Streams and woods adventures!

Over the last couple of weeks, the pre school children have thoroughly enjoyed embracing the outside space around the nursery in their waterproofs. After discovering an enclosed area just behind the nursery grounds, the children have very much enjoyed using the space to do lots of exploring. The children were amazed when they saw a waterfall, Isla asking her friends, “Doesn’t it look so beautiful?” Tristan replied saying, “The water is running along the rocks and it does look very beautiful”. The children particularly loved the fishing and crabbing. Florence called out very excitedly, “Guys, come quick, there’s a real life crab!” before using her net to try and fish the crab who was too quick!

Whilst some of the children dedicated their time to do some fishing, some of the other children went off to investigate beyond some rocks they had found, working very well together to help each other over the rocks. Alastair very cautiously climbed over and once he had reached the other side, he did a little relieved giggle and said, “That was tricky, be careful everyone”.

After all of the excitement with exploring for an hour or so, the children decided it was time for a little rest and headed back to base where we had set up some blankets, story books and magnifying glasses. Ari settled down with his clipboard and magnifying glass and was having a good look in the trees and told his friends, “I’m looking to see if I can see any creatures or insects”. Charlie got himself a clipboard too and they both sat down together to do an observational drawing of a tree. What a fabulous time in the great outdoors!