Information and Reminders


We continue our broad topic as the summer continues, enjoying the warmth outdoors, as the children of all ages explore and build on and learn new skills.

School Leavers

During the summer, and as September approaches, staff will start their final preparations for sending the children off to school. This is an exciting and adventurous time of year and there will be lots of things happening throughout the nursery to support the children and their families during this transition to School.

Our aim is to send the children off to school happy, confident and excited about their new adventure. Some children may be a worried about the change, so we work to support all the children by encouraging them to share their feelings and ideas. It is important for staff and parents to talk positively about the fun things they will be doing at school and to share stories and photos of when they were at school.  

At the nursery, we will offer times throughout the day for children to sit and listen to stories and provide activities based around school. We use stories about starting school to support the children’s understanding of what to expect at school. Role play is a fantastic way of encouraging children to think about school. We will be setting up the home corner area to help support this, for example, taking registers, playing as a teacher.

We would like to say a big ( and always sad ) farewell to the children that will be leaving us to go on to local schools. Please inform us by email of your child’s leaving date, and which school they will be attending. We wish them every success and happiness for the future.

Safe sun ‘Slip, slap, slop’

During the summer months, to protect your child from the sun’s rays, we request the following:

Slip on a T shirt – preferably close-weave and baggy like cotton or linen Slop on the sun cream BEFORE you come to Nursery. Applying cream in advance allows it to ‘bond’ with the skin, giving more protection.We will reapply cream here as necessary, usually every 2 hours or so if outside. Slap on that hat!- wide brimmed is best and those with fabric to cover the neck are even better.

We have a song we sing with the children and the lyrics are here so you can join in at home!

We have accreditation for completing the Sun Safe Nurseries program. We will monitor the predicted UV levels with the children and read the George Sun Safe Superstar book to reinforce awareness.

Book of the month

The nursery has a wide range of books for the children to choose from. In addition to this, the children all have the opportunity to look and listen to the text of the book of the month, and engage in learning, thinking, and responding to that shared text. This will lead to extension activities in the nursery. We hope you will enjoy sharing the story at home!

July- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Upcoming Events and Celebrations

Parent meetings week commencing 1st July daily for all age groups.

There will be a notification on Tapestry 1-2 weeks beforehand– please do choose a convenient time for the 10 minute meetings , with your child’s keyworker, offered from 7.30am and again late afternoon. This is an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with your child’s keyworker. Tapestry gives you regular updates and staff are always happy to discuss any queries or comments.

Bocketts Park Farm Thursday 4th July - preschool room children

This is a fun outing and thoroughly enjoyed by the children and indeed the staff team!  A tractor and trailer ride is included, pig racing, a goat milking session and a private animal handling session. Please see for further information. Please note that sadly the trip is only available to those children whom attend on Thursdays due to staffing and numbers. Invitations have been sent out and the trip is now fully booked.

Tanabata 7th July

Tanabata is also know as the Japenese Star Festival. In Japan, this colourful event celebrates the meeting of two stars, and involves a tradition in which people write their wishes on small, colorful strips of paper (tanzaku) and hang them on the branches of a small decorative bamboo tree. Legend has it that each year the Orihime (Vega), the weaver star and Hikoboshi (Altair), the cowherd star come together to renew the ancient bond of their undying love. We shall hang up the children’s wishes, make stars and sample Japanese food.

Preschool Summer Concert & Graduation ceremony Wednesday 17th July 4.15-6pm

The preschool children will have a singalong with you (all as we do at the Christmas concert). The event will last half an hour or so, and we hope you are able to come along and join in the singing ( song sheets provided !) The children will act out and dress up as characters from one of their favourite books ’Rumble in the Jungle’ There will be refreshments served afterwards in the garden.

The children leaving for school will be presented with Graduation certificates with a short ceremony to celebrate their time here at nursery, and presented with a book about starting school. After the concert, please do stay for a chat and a bite to eat. This is an opportunity to get to know each other a little better!

Please do use only designated nursery parking spaces and when full e.g. during events use the overflow car park to the rear to allow access. Thank you.

Swimming Classes

Will continue in September -invitations to be sent out in early August .Full details will be provided to you regarding all above events nearer the time.