Information and Reminders

Early Summer

As we move into our summer months the children will be exploring the changes within this season and will partake in various activities that both stimulates and widens their expectations. These activities surround the theme of 'Under the Sea' with lots of fun water play that will encourage mathematical development as the children will be able to weigh and measure using the different scales, jugs and beakers. The children will also be exploring the many wonderful creatures that live in our seas and around the beaches. With this theme in mind, we will be celebrating world oceans day on June 8th by having an oceans week at nursery. During this week the children will be learning about the importance of water safety and will also be discussing pollution and littering and the effect it has on our oceans and planet. The children will have an active roll within their learning by putting their discovery skills to the test and observing the similarities and differences of the creatures of the deep and our endangered species, piquing the children's interests of the world around them and adding lots of fun to their day. The children will be encouraged to use their literacy skills to record their findings of the ocean using the clipboards and mark making opportunities as well as reading stories about our oceans. 

Following on from our growing in the spring months the children will continue to observe the growth of their crops which include, cabbage, spinach, carrots, onions, leeks, potatoes and more. The children will be encouraged to measure the lengths and explore the sizes of their crops using the measuring tapes. The children will continue sowing more seeds ready for the warmer months ahead including beetroot, carrots, strawberries, peas and cucumber. 

Forest school

Our outdoor environment is one of our wonderful areas that we use to challenge and extend learning. In the upcoming months the children will be exploring their surroundings and will begin to discover the word camouflage and what this means within our environment and the world. Activities such as den making, weaving with natural objects and observing different camouflaged animals will encourage the children to think critically and promote a love of learning.

New! - Toddler Room & Preschool Room Interactive Music classes

We are very excited to announce the new weekly classes when we will be visited by the Crafty Tales team. These fun sessions are offered at no extra cost to you, in both the toddler and preschool rooms and are for both rooms movers; children join in with the Hello Song, meet Boo-Boo the puppet, jump and dance around to the interactive songs, play with the hands-on musical instruments (all cleaned before the class!), chase the bubbles and the twirly lights, finish by signing the Goodbye song. In preschool the children will also be able to join in with short interactive stories, all drawn from myths, legends, folktales and traditional fairy tales from around the world.

Book of the month

The nursery has a wide range of books for the children to choose from. In addition to this, the children all have the opportunity to look and listen to the text of the book of the month, and engage in learning, thinking, and responding to that shared text. This will lead to extension activities in the nursery. We hope you will enjoy sharing the story at home!

May - Dear Zoo

June - Elmer

Upcoming Outings and Events


We shall be looking at the festival of Wesak which is on 23rd May. Wesak is the most important of the Buddhist festivals and is celebrated on the full moon in May. It celebrates the Buddha's birthday, with flowers laid at the temples, lanterns candles lit and food laid out. It is a reminder to respect all living things and caged birds are set free as a sign of compassion. The children will make flowers and colourful streamers, elephants, and clay Buddha; not forgetting sampling Asian cuisine!

Father’s Day Tea Party Thursday 13th June 4.00pm - 5.30pm

We are hosting a Tea Party to celebrate Father’s Day Sunday 19th June. We hope all you dads will be able to join us and enjoy a bite to eat and drink with your child. The children will, as usual, also have the opportunity to make a gift and card during the week for all you wonderful dads! Grandads are also very welcome to join us!

Music Day- June 21st

At nursery we will be celebrating national music day. The children will be able to explore sounds with our different musical instruments as well as finding other natural materials that can produce music. The children will be able to enjoy making their own musical beats and explore different rhythms. They will have opportunity to explore many different types of music from different cultures and countries around the world. 

Weekly Yoga classes - Children over 2

The weekly visits continue with our well established Yoga teacher, Sam. Children derive enormous benefits from yoga. Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves.

Swimming classes - preschool children

These are from April - July currently three days a week. The classes are now full regrettably. Classes resume in September and places will be offered in August.

Dates for your diary further ahead..

Parent meetings week commencing 1st July

Bocketts Park Farm Thursday 4th July - preschool room children

This is a fun outing and thoroughly enjoyed by the children.  A tractor and trailer ride is included, pig racing, a goat milking session and a private animal handling session. Please see for further information. Invitations will be sent out separately nearer the time. Please note the trip is sadly only available to those children whom attend on Thursdays due to staffing and numbers.

Graduation ceremony 17th July at 4pm for all leavers in the preschool room.

Sports Day 8th August