Caterpillar Visitors & Weighing Scales!
/Over the last couple of weeks, the preschool children have been very excited to be able to track the life cycle of a butterfly. When the caterpillars arrived, Margot was eager to take a look at what they looked like, asking, “Are they spiky, or are they hairy and fluffy?”. When taking a closer look, Francis picked up one of the magnifying glasses and, after taking a close look, offered a turn to Margot and said, “If you look closely, their legs are so small!” and started to count them alongside his friends. Once the caterpillars were all placed safely in their individual pots, Ollie asked, “What is that brown stuff on the bottom?” Sadie correctly answered, “That’s their dinner, they can eat that when they are hungry”. Phoebe laughed and said, “Ewww, that wouldn’t taste nice!”.
The children were engaged in many activities throughout the week with the focus of caterpillars and butterflies including sculpting their own eggs, caterpillars, cocoons and butterflies using play dough. Gabriel rolled play dough out using his hand and when it was too long for his hand to control any more, he started to laugh and said, “It’s too tickly!”. He then showed his friends, “Look, I made a caterpillar”. Some of the preschool children also enjoyed making their own version of the story book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They each drew their favourite parts of the story and then gathered the pictures together to make their own version of the story.
Outside in the garden, the children have loved exploring the new weighing scales. Collecting sand to fill up the buckets, Otto and Sebastian lifted one each, Otto very quickly placing his back down and said, “I think this one is too heavy for me” to which Sebastian replied, “That’s ok, I can help you with my big muscles”. Working together to lift the bucket on to the end of one side of the scales, Ethan and Arlo lifted the other bucket and placed it on the other end. Leo quizzed them, “So which one do you think is the heaviest?” He praised the children when they selected the bucked that was closest to the floor. Freddie reassured them, “I know we are right because that one is lower down”. Harry quickly got to work collecting more sand for the lightest bucket and slowed down when he saw they were almost matching.
The toddlers have loved watching the caterpillars as they’ve been slowly growing over the last couple of weeks, especially now as they’ve started to make their way up onto the lid of their pots to cocoon themselves. The children have been learning all about how a caterpillar transitions into a butterfly by looking at the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Sebastian joined in with nearly every word of the book, “He ate through four strawberries… was STILL HUNGRY!”. This made Tabitha laugh and repeat the word, “Strawberry”. Once the story was finished, the toddlers had a look at some of the caterpillars in their pots, Jenson patted his hands on his knees and said “Hands in lap”, showing that he was ready to look at the caterpillars and wasn’t going to touch them. Henry squealed as the caterpillars were brought closer to him and leaned in as close as he could with a beaming smile. Arlo pointed his finger at a particularly wiggly caterpillar and smiled, giving a little “Oh” as it gave a particularly big wiggle. The children are all so excited to see them turn into butterflies!
Over the last couple of weeks, the under 2’s have been full of excitement watching the caterpillars fill up their tummies and grow bigger and bigger each day! When the caterpillars first arrived, the children inspected the tiny little creatures. Sophia, Lydia and Calvin were the first to inspect and came for a very close look. Lydia pointed at the caterpillars and smiled as she looked around, intrigued by the wriggly creatures inside. Sophia also let out loads of giggles alongside Lydia, as she knelt down and looked closer into the jar. Her imagination sparked trying to see what could possibly be making all of those funny wriggly moves. Lowen and Calvin were spotted pointing in fascination at the tiny jars on the table, making lots of ‘Oooh!’ sounds, as this might’ve been the first time seeing such big, hungry caterpillars in person! While a little reluctant to investigate at first, Freya soon warmed up to the idea of the caterpillars, especially after seeing how interested Lowen and Calvin were. She showed everybody how brave she was by moving herself closer to the jars, admiring how amazing the caterpillars truly were. Zakariya showed everyone how excited he was to see caterpillars for the first time too, by saying ‘caterpillar’ while having a big smile beaming across his face.