The value of Outside Play

At Molesey Day Nursery, we recognise the huge value of Outdoor Learning and that indoor and outdoor learning environments are of equal importance. We aim to give the children opportunities to play outdoors every day, both morning and afternoon. The outdoor area extends children’s learning as it offers opportunities which are not available indoors.

We have access to our very own outdoor classroom and Forest School environment, together with local parks. We want to connect the children back to nature, inspiring them to live a naturally healthy lifestyle that builds resilience, confidence, independence and self-motivation – all the tools they need for a happy and successful life. The outdoor play activities are designed to foster a love for learning through exploration. Nature is explored using water, air and earth.

Here are some examples of outside activities:

  • Exploring and exploiting the weather e.g. draw round shadows, discover where puddles go? etc

  • More messy malleable experiences e.g. sloppy clay, sand, compost etc

  • We have created a small area which encourages minibeasts - rocks, stones, logs etc

  • Water play can take on new dimensions e.g. adding guttering

  • Opportunities for large scale construction e.g. large cardboard boxes

  • Developing role play situations which need to be outdoors e.g. picnics, garages etc

  • Opportunities to grow herbs, flowers, fruit and vegetables

  • Opportunities to develop physical skills e.g. climbing and using small equipment which develops coordination

  • Team games which develop skills such as co-operation, turn taking

  • Indoor activities moved outside e.g. book corner

Forest school gives children an understanding of the world around them, encouraging and inspiring them through positive outdoor experiences. The children will explore using the senses of sight, sound, touch and hearing. They will find natural objects that provoke curiosity, and will share excitement with their friends, making lasting memories.

Children experience different ways of learning in a unique environment and develop a new range of skills such as how to handle challenges and risks. They will use their own initiative to solve problems, communicate with friends, and develop creativity, whilst most importantly having fun!

The children love to design and build their own dens and shelters using camouflage fabrics, tarpaulins, pegs twigs and logs. They may go pond dipping, whittle with vegetable peelers and hunt for bugs. The children also love to look for footprints, make traps, bark rub, play hide and seek and monitor the weather. They can explore the streams and rivers in the park, and record the seasons. They use natural materials to create unique artwork, including mobiles.

As you can see, there are many benefits to Outdoor Learning!!

What will you all do if it’s raining or cold?

Play outside!! Remaining warm and dry is the most important element to create happiness and creative play, regardless of the weather. Whilst the woods in the park afford shelter, we also have large, lightweight tarps that we rig up to provide wind-breaks and extra protection when we don’t want to let a sudden downpour disrupt our games. We find that as long as children have good outdoor clothing, they are out of any biting wind and that their hands are warm, they are happy to play outdoors regardless of the weather. We think that if nurseries and primary schools in Scandinavia can spend the majority of their time playing in the woods in their challenging climate, we are sure we can manage it here!


Staff monitor children regularly to make sure they are not getting too cold or too hot.

In cold weather, children may get cold hands and faces, but provided they are warm generally, it is not considered a risk to their health. Children will have suitable clothing at all times. We ensure the children wear coats etc in cold weather, but if they get hot running about, they are allowed to remove them. When necessary, we will provide waterproof clothing sets from Sweden in order for children to take part in the forest school sessions for periods during the day. Their bright colour ensures the children are highly visible at all times. Our adult to child ratio is maintained: at least one adult for each four children, allowing many eyes to be kept on the children.

The waterproof clothing sets from Sweden comprise of a jacket and dungaree trousers which are windproof and waterproof, and boast breathability and durability. They ensure they withstand the harshest of weather conditions and are guaranteed to keep little ones protected from the outside elements.

Conversely, children need sun creams and light clothing in the summer and have access to drinks at all times.

What will my child need to bring with them?

  • A pair of named wellies to be kept at nursery.

  • Warm socks for cold days, woollen gloves and hats.

What if my child is unwell?

A small number of parents have expressed concern about their child going outside when they have, for example, a runny nose, which we do understand. We have spoken to various professionals, including a practice nurse from the local medical centre, a health visitor, a community nursery nurse and the Day Care Support Officer from the Children’s Information Service. They all support our current practice. 

The overwhelming advice is that children should always go outside to play unless they have a temperature or are obviously unwell, in which case they will be sent home. Children who have a runny nose or cough or cold will go outside as fresh air and exercise is beneficial to health.

IN ALL CASES please do not bring your child to Nursery if they are unable to take part in our activities. Staffing ratios dictate that we are unable to nurse recuperating children inside whilst the other children are outside.

We hope this reassures you, but please do speak to any staff member if you have any queries.