Baking and outer space!

Over the last couple of weeks the toddlers have been learning about outer space and out of the many, many stories we read on a regular basis they have been  particularly loving ‘The Tiger who came to Tea”. After a few discussions about story the toddlers decided to make there own houses that would entice the tiger to come over. This of course meant the house was made from... chocolate chip cookies! While mixing the ingredients together in their own bowls the toddlers were conversing about their likes and dislikes with Margot excitedly saying “I love chocolate!”. While enthusiastically stirring her bowl Sophie said “look, I mix it really fast!” which then started a contest into who was the most speedy chef. Oliver kept secretly dipping his fingers into the cooking mixture and tasting it while he thought no one was looking with a quiet “Mmmmm” each time. As Oliver wasn’t very stealthy this made Matilda and Jasper laugh as they caught him red handed! Once their cookies were ready to go onto the baking tray Luciano used his finger to push the mixture off of the spoon. As he was so concentrated on this task he didn’t immediately notice how caked his finger was in the mixture and shouted “Uh sticky!” with a big smile.

The toddlers loved exploring the galaxy sensory tray in the garden with multi-coloured sand, different coloured play dough and a variety of art materials to create their own outer space creatures. The toddlers were all giggling and very excited to get stuck in. Joshua headed straight for the green play dough and started making a pile of little pieces, Kitty shouted “look, there’s green and blue!” and started to squash the different colours together, noticing the change in colour as the two merged “it’s turning brown”. Amèlie was enjoying making marks in the sand with her finger, drawing large circles and squiggly lines while commenting “I making circles in the blue sand” this then made her friends join in with making marks of their own. 

Over the last few weeks the under two’s have been looking at fruit and vegetables.The children really enjoyed experiencing tasting and investigating the different fruits.

Outside in the garden, the children were having fun playing with floating citrus fruits. Edward was really intrigued and began to poke his fingers into the lemons. Blair watched him for a moment and then started squeezing the oranges. After a few giggles between them both, Edward and Blair then started picking up individual items of fruit and placing them in their bowls. Amelie came to see what they were doing and picked up a bowl of water, it splashed everywhere and Harry shouted, “Oh dear Amelie!” which really made Blair laugh. Max was very intrigued at what his friends were up to pulled himself up to where they were playing, carefully standing himself at the water tray, trying to pick up the water with his hands before going on to to lick his fingers. Arlo got stuck in helping himself to slices of orange, letting the juices go everywhere.

In the mud garden, there were some vegetables hidden amongst the mud and Alex was showing the children the herb patch and giving them the opportunity to experience the individual smells. Amelie began to laugh as Alex held the herbs towards her as Ava was making, “Mmm mmm” sounds pretending to sniff the herbs. Monty was enjoying hunting out the vegetables that were hidden in the mud and using a spade began digging which gained Arthur’s attention. He saw what they were doing and came to join in sitting himself in the middle of the mud.

Inside there has been lots of beautiful fruits to taste. During snack times, the children have had the opportunity to give pineapple, kiwi, mango and papaya a try. Harry couldn’t take his eyes off the big pineapple and with big wide eyes said, “Wow “. Alex offered all of the children a touch of the pineapple. Monty was the first to be brave the touch and laughed as he did so which made Blair and Amelie giggle and want to investigate themselves. Arlo began to babble and point at the kiwi whilst Max was enjoying the texture of the papaya by poking his finger into it. 

Of course there has been opportunities for the little ones to get messy with the different fruits including painting of sweet potatoes using sponges and brushes. Eva carefully dipped her paintbrush into the pot, whilst holding the paper to stop it from moving around. As some of the paint dropped on to the table, “Mess mess” shouted Harry.