Graduation Celebrations!

What a fantastic performance from our little graduates this week! The children worked so hard to practice their animal phrases and were so excited to show their talents to their parents at the graduation. Sophie could not wait to be a lion and call out, “The loudest roar I can, that would scare all of the mummies and daddies and make them laugh!”. Sammy was even more excited that pre-school were having a graduation party that day as it was also his birthday. At group time, he told all of his friends the news and suggested, “Maybe everyone can give me an extra clap for my birthday!”. 

Zac, Amelia and Tristan were so excited to find out they were going to be crocodiles together and were even spotted in the tree house, rehearsing their words and encouraging each other to get them right. The build up to the graduation was so much fun for the children and teachers too! There were stages made, audiences gathered together (the non graduating pre schoolers) and lots of singing rehearsals.  

The day of the show was a joy for the children. There was a real party vibe throughout the day and the children could not wait to dress up in their outfits, especially having their faces painted. Immy was so confident with her words by this point and was asking all the nursery teachers throughout the day, “Can I say my words to you?”. She then went on to asking her friends, “Do you know your words?” If their response was yes, Immy would ask, “Come on, tell them to me? Nice and loud!”. If the response was no, Immy would kindly suggest, “Go and ask a teacher to remind you”.

Once all the parents arrived and the children all dressed up, it was time to get going and the children all did an amazing job. There was big smiles each time there was a round of applause and their singing was lovely, with their words nice and loud for all to hear. The children received their certificates and school leavers books and proudly stood up one by one to show them off to their mums, dads, siblings and grandparents.

We wish all of our school leavers the best of luck at their new big schools. They are all going to be greatly missed at nursery and it has been a pleasure to look after each and every one of them!