Handa's Fruits & Vegetables

Over the last couple of weeks the toddlers have been loving the book of the month ‘Handa’s surprise’ and have been choosing to read it at circle times and throughout the day. As the book requires the pictures to tell the underlying plot of the story the toddlers loving shouting out to make sure the staff know what is happening. Kitty pointed and shouted “Parrot has taken the juicy passion fruit!” while Eva gasped and said “Oh no”. Isabelle pointed and exclaimed “That’s a cheeky elephant he’s taken the mango”. 

Outside the toddlers enjoyed taking on the role of being farmers and planting, digging and investigating the mini vegetable garden in one of the trays. Although once the rain started and it turned into more of a mud pit than vegetable pit India and Amelie couldn’t be pulled away! India dug her arms in the mud all the way up to her elbows and Amelie painted her hand in the mixture. Joshua saw the fun and ran over getting stuck in straight away “Look my hands!”.

The toddlers have been trying some of the fruits from the story during fruit tasting sessions at snack time and also during exploratory sensory play, including a squeeze, smell and taste activity which encouraged the toddlers to use all of their senses. Iris was very keen to join in with this activity and reached straight for the limes, bringing them close to her nose for a smell, followed by a quick lick and then a taste with a long “Mmmmmm” sound and a happy face. Oliver saw this and went for a lick of the lime too, but having a completely different reaction... he gave a surprised “Ahhh” followed by a swipe of the mouth and a contorted face which made it clear that he was not a fan. Ellie stuck with the broccoli and after shaking it around said “I’m going to eat it up and be strong and have big muscles” and put the whole head of her piece of broccoli in her mouth! Yum!

Over the last few weeks the under twos have been looking at buildings and transportation. Whilst out on a walk to visit the train station to count the trains, Harry got very excited in the pushchair as he saw a train go over the bridge. He began pointing and shouting, “Train train!“.  At the station lots of trains went speeding past which was very exciting for the little ones. Alice said “That was fast” and Harry copied, “Fast train”. Monty was waving and smiling as the train went flying by. The next stop was to look at the bus stop and see if the bus was coming. Monty was pointing at the cars, so Amie started to count as the cars drove past. Harry copied Amie and Amelie then in a loud voice said, “One!”.

Back at nursery, the children had the opportunity to paint their own big buses using sponge dabbers. Eva was very keen to get involved and asked,  “Eva dab?“ Eva was smiling away she pressed the sponge onto her paper, whilst saying “Dab dab!” Whilst the children were very engaged in their painting, Harry kept looking at the paint on the paper and was calling out, ‘Red!’ and clapping away! 

 The children in the under twos room really love to get messy with various messy play and this week’s activity was crazy foam on a hunt for hidden stickle bricks. Monty ran over to the messy tray when he saw the crazy foam and shouted, “Ooooh!” whilst he approached. When he found the first stickle brick, Monty carefully put it to the side and started to search for the next one and once he had found a few, he began to stick them together, with a look of concentration on his face.