Picnics & People Who Help Us!

This week the toddlers have been looking at ‘people who help us’. Each day, the children have been taking on a new role and working to help each other in any way possible. On Monday, the toddlers became police officers, making their very own police badge using different shaped card and decorating them with jewels, paints, cellophane and more. The toddlers learnt to say “You’re under arrest” which Sadie and Rowan said particularly well. On Tuesday, they were firefighters and quickly learnt that fire is very hot and that it shouldn’t be touched. Reegan learnt “Put water on fire to put fire out!” which he told his friends and parents at pick up time. On Wednesday, the toddlers became doctors and took on their caring role very seriously. They were able to dress up and use thermometers, a syringe filled with pretend medicine (water) and plasters on their poorly patients. Flo enjoyed pushing the medicine out of the syringe into her babies mouth saying “Here! Your medicine baby, get better soon”. Ada stuck plasters all over her baby because her “Baby is not feeling well and need plasters to be better” she said. On Thursday, the children became transport drivers and enjoyed venturing out of nursery to spot different modes of transport. Emily spotted “Tractor”, Sophie spotted “Cars”, Blake shouted “Horsey” and Zack saw a “Bike”. The toddlers then sat down on the grass with a clipboard and selection of mark making tools and were asked if they could draw any of the modes of transport that we had seen on our walk. To finish off the week, the toddlers became postman, where they sat down and wrote a letter to the person of their choice. Daniel choose his teddy called Bear, while Lana choose to write to her Daddy. Later on, all the toddlers were able to post their letters and hope they were delivered safely. 

Outside, the toddlers have been playing with different textures from the book of the month ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. Ada enjoyed jumping in water shouting “Splash splosh”. Caiden and Rafferty laughed away as they threw white pompoms and cotton wool round the garden during a snowstorm, while Finley shouted “Hoooo Woooo Hoooo Woooo!”, which he had remembered from the book. Tommy and Luna ran through the forest trying not to trip in case they woke up the bear, Luna said “This way Tommy, shush don’t shout the bear is sleeping”, Tommy replied “Not wake the bear up” as he tipped toed past the tree house. Suddenly, the toddlers shouted “Look! There’s the bear” and turned to run away. Chloe shouted “Run away, don’t want to go on a bear hunt again!”, quoting the end of the book. 

The under two’s have been enjoying different art activities and having fun outside. They have been looking through the colourful sensory mirrors, and Luciano looked up towards the lights while looking through the coloured mirror and Esmé watched him and began to copy. As she pulled the mirror away from her face she was smiling, Kelly said “What can you see?” Esmé replied “Wow pretty!” and smiled again.

They’ve also been enjoying cereal play, squeezing squashing and crunching different cereals between their fingers. Sophie and Cecilia enjoyed tasting the cereal, Sophie grabbed a handful bringing it to her mouth saying “Mmmm mmmm”, Sebastian laughed as he squashed the cereal against the messy tray, enjoying the crunchy sounds it made.

On one of our walks around the beautiful grounds, the children enjoyed their morning picnic snack whilst sat on a blanket under a beautiful tree. Margot kept looking up at the tree as she could see the leaves moving, and saw two squirrels that were chasing each other around the branches and pointed up towards them. Freddie and Sophie saw the squirrels as well and they laughed as the squirrels ran around the tree. After their picnic, the children ran around the grass trying to chase the butterflies in the air, Kitty kept shouting “Butterbye! Butterbye!” which made Margot point up into the air again. They then took a walk over the bridge to see the ducks that were sitting on the banks, Sophie pointed and shouted “Duck! Duck!” which made Kitty squeal with excitement. They fed the ducks some bread and the children watched as they wandered back to the water.

During our time in the garden, the under two’s had fun splashing in the big builders tray filled with water. Sophie came to over to investigate and sat down in the water splashing, while Sebastian thought it was funny to fill a plastic pot with water and get the staff team wet. Sebastian began to laugh, finding their reaction hilarious and Margot kept putting her toes in. Margot soon found it fun splashing around making the water go everywhere, Otto then joined Margot and both were jumping and laughing together, enjoying the moment.