Summer Concert & Graduation!

The pre-school children have been extremely excited on the big build up to their graduation show. The concert was based on the story book ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ and each of the children had an animal to act out. Each day Eloise would ask, “How may sleeps until my mummy and daddy can come and watch me?” Henry told his friends, “My mummy and daddy are going to come and watch me too, and I’m going to snap all of my friends because I’m the very hungry crocodile!”. Shyla started to laugh and said, “But I’m a monkey, it’s me that you need to snap!”. The children soon got their stride with their new animal roles and day by day were becoming much more confident to say their lines out loud when they were practicing the play. Some of the children even sang the songs at one of the swimming sessions to their swimming teacher!

The day of the play was such a very exciting day for the children. They had one final practise and had a picnic tea with the whole nursery to celebrate the graduation. All of the pre-school children helped to get the room set up ready for their families to come and watch. Ezmie, Joshua and William helped to create the animal art work whilst Emma, Jessica, Riley and Monty set to work hanging the decorations and helping to make the tree. Leo came in from playing in the garden and gasped in amazement, “Wow, it looks like a real jungle in here” and went and asked Zachary and Jasper to come and have a look too.

Well what a fantastic concert and graduation is was and the children all did extremely well. They confidently said their words out loud and sang along to all of the songs. The special part was when the children received their certificate and ‘starting school’ book. Ada even stayed behind in her seat to look through her book before going off to see her mum and dad!

We wish all the preschool children the very best for the future - you will be missed!