Fresh Harvest & Fun with Ice!

The pre school children have recently been helping out with our growing patch. A couple of months ago, the children sowed the seeds and have helped with the daily watering and weeding around our vegetables and plants. They have closely observed week by week the changes that have been happening in the growing areas. Fabian noticed that the carrots, "Have fluffy hair" whilst Ezmie found a sugar snap pea and told her friends, "This looks just like the green beans I have on my dinner". Finally the time has come for some of our vegetables to be ready to be picked, including sugar snap peas, green beans and kale, which has been a very exciting time for the children. William, Eloise, Salvador, Joshua and Ezmie could not wait to get involved, knowing that we were going to be using the kale to have with our roast dinner that day. Carefully picking the kale and placing it in to the bowl, Salvador reminded everyone, "We must wash it first to make it nice and clean for all of the children to eat". The children were so proud of their own vegetable picking that they were all willing to even try the kale with their dinner, Monty even told his friends, "This is nicer than the kale we usually have". 

In the warm weather, the children have taken part in many activities to keep cool and one of the favourites was definitely ice play with trucks and cars. The children were challenging themselves to see how long they could hold a piece of ice in their hands and laughing when it was becoming quite cold. Vivienne noticed some of the water dripping between her fingers from the ice cube and asked Rowan, "Do you know why there is water dripping?" When Rowan said no, Vivienne then explained to her, "It's because the my hands are warmer than the ice cube and it's making the ice cube melt". The conversation carried on to how ice cubes are made and Ethan told everyone, "We need to put them in the freezer to make some ice because it's very cold in there". Some of the children were then rubbing the ice cubes along their arms, Tristan saying, "Ahh, it's so nice and cold".