Parachutes and daffodils!
/The children have been looking at the life cycles of a butterfly and we have had a very special delivery of some caterpillars and the children helped us to put them into the different pots, giving them some food to eat and some holes to breathe. Emily said “Ohh, its wiggly”. One day we took some of the caterpillars outside and used our magnifying glasses to explore the different colours on the caterpillars. Oliver used his magnifying glass to look at the caterpillars and excitedly said “Oh look, really big caterpillar”. Throughout the last few weeks we have looked at how they have eaten their caterpillar food to “grow big and strong” (as Emily has been telling all of her friends). They are all very excited to see our butterflies when they hatch out of their cocoons.
This week it has been such lovely weather, and they children have we spent a lot of time out and about. One day at the park they took a parachute and the children were laughing so much with the different parachute games. Maxwell had a great idea to put the ball on the parachute, and the children shook the parachute and tried to keep the ball on. When the ball first fell of Varun said ‘Uh-oh’ and quickly ran to retrieve the ball, and threw it back on again laughing. The children then decided to hide under the parachute, with some covering their eyes! Sophia ran under the parachute and out the other end shouting ‘Boo!’ and James responded by saying ‘Ahhh!’, starting a fun game of running in and out of the parachute. Zach and Eve played football, and when the ball was kicked away, then had a race to get to the ball and kick it back. Some of the other children got involved and started to kick the ball back and forth, and Jasper was very excited and starting to run after the ball laughing.
The younger children have also been out in the warm weather and explored some lovely daffodils. Isla shouted ‘Flowers!’. Ciana felt the stem of the flower and handed it over to Edward to smell. Edward loved being on the grass, and after smelling the flowers he crawled around feeling the it and other textures such as twigs and leaves. . Ciana then saw some ducks and began to run after them. Bodie started the follow saying ‘quack, quack’. Jessie and Bodie chased the football around, kicking it from corner to corner around the bushy park green, Jessie shouted ‘come on’, whilst Bodie followed laughing. Jessie, Bodie and Isla all held hands together and started walking in a line. Bodie said ‘Best friends!’.
Sidney and Honor had a wonderful time painting rainbows using the bubble wrap. Sidney liked the texture of the bubble wrap whilst Honor liked to hit the table and explore different sounds. After teatime they had a sparkle time session where they experienced lights and bubbles with music. Theo was dancing and bopping up and down. He loved shaking the musical instruments along to the music. Isla was singing along to the songs shouting ‘Dance!’. George was wiggling from side to side and laughing saying ‘Ahhh, ahhh, oo, oo’.