Happy Easter!


This week at nursery the children have enjoyed lots of Easter activities. They painted Easter eggs and made Easter cards for their families. Eddie said to Ellie "The Easter bunny will bring you eggs and give you chocolate and make you so wobbly if you eat all the chocolate!" The children have also took part in an Easter egg hunt in the garden. When Ellie found an egg she kindly said "I found an egg already; I will give this one to my friend." The children had lots of fun running around the garden finding the hidden eggs. When they had finished Ada asked "Can we do it again?"

The children have been observing the changes to our caterpillars, and were really intrigued to see that the caterpillars were forming their cocoons. Shyla said to her friends, "Make sure you don't wobble them or they'll fall on their heads". Ellie asked, "Is their cocoon just like my blanket on my bed?" Dylan said "When the caterpillars come out of their cocoon, they are going to grow some pretty wings and they can fly up in to the sky", and Riley replied, "But they need some food first". The children have also enjoyed exploring the small world butterfly are they made, talking about the different colours that they can see and the similarities and differences in the butterflies.

The children have been learning about body parts over the past week, and talking about the use of our organs. We have been recently focusing on our lungs and our heart and discussing what we use them for. Whilst talking about our heart, Ezra said, "I know what we use our hearts for, we use them to love our families and friends". The children then went on to discussing all of the important people around them who they love and giving reasons why. Zachary told his friends, "I love my mummy because she makes me a nice dinner". We moved on to talking about skeleton bone structure and Benjamin told his friends, "We have lots of bones in our body, our bones help us to stand up". Parker laughed and said if we didn't have bones in our legs, we would be just like Flop in Bing". 

The children went on a spider hunt in the garden using the magnifying glasses and small spider homes which have magnifying glass lids. They found a small spider and placed it inside the pot using the scoops to pick up the spiders carefully. Once it was inside, the children were really intrigued to observe it more closely. Ollie spotted some holes in the side of the pot and asked what they are for. Whilst explaining to the children that the holes were so the spider could still have air, the spider climbed through the hole and got caught in the wind and spun a web on to the tree! The children found this really funny. 

Happy Easter to everyone!


The toddlers have also been getting ready for Easter by making Easter eggs, Easter hats and going on an Easter egg hunt round the Imber Court site. Isabelle paid attention to detail as she carefully placed each piece of coloured paper onto her Easter egg. Thirty minutes later she finally shouted “Finished!” The toddlers took their explorer role very seriously as they searched high in the trees and down low in the grass for pictures of Easter bunnies and eggs. Immy said “Tree, tree!” as she spotted one. And Sophie said “Ducks” as she hoped to see a picture stuck to the duck! Thankfully the toddlers weren’t able to catch any ducks to see if this was true. Amelia found a bunny stuck on the door, while Connie found one under the buggy, “Found one!” she said proudly.

This week the toddlers have celebrated the “Festival of Colours”. The children participated in this by getting messy mixing different colours of paint with their hands. Rhys said “painting” excitedly and stuck his hands straight in and mixed the colours all together. Zac asked for “Blue”. Jonny asked for “Green” and stuck his head straight into the paint to create some lovely green highlights!
Back inside the toddlers have been busy in their very own supermarket. Leo and Fabian thoroughly enjoyed getting a basket and some money to go shopping. They filled their baskets and then unpacked them onto the conveyor belt. Ari cleverly named all the items he recognised on the shopping list “Bananas, apples, milk”. Zachary enjoyed taking on the role of cashier and having everyone pay him lots of money. He also found pressing the buttons on the till very exciting “Money please, beep beep beep”.  The toddlers have also been watching their caterpillars transition into their cocoons. Each day they look closely to see if there are any changes they can see. Tristan said “Cooon” and pointed towards them. Harriet said “Bye bye caterpillar” as she waved. The toddlers are looking forward to seeing the butterflies soon. 


The under two’s have had a really fun time investigating the light up sensory shakers. The lights in the room were switched off so the children could see them better. Sadie shrieked with excitement when it became darker and she saw the colours change, Samuel and Chloe loved giving them a really good shake, listening to the rattling sounds they made and Samuel said “Shake, shake!”

To explore the children’s other senses, they loved taking part in a fruit tea bag activity. The tea bags were dipped in warm water to release the colours and scents and the children picked them up, dabbing them onto paper.  Charlotte carefully chose where to place her tea bag while Alastair liked to squeeze it in his hands, watching the coloured water drip through his fingers. 

Outside the little ones enjoyed running around the field! They loved kicking the balls along the ground, kicking and throwing them into the big goal. Finley,  Alastair and Rafferty had so much fun chasing each other and tried to hide from each other by going either side of the net and lifting it up so they could crawl beneath it. Finley said “Boo!” as they were all laughing and tried to catch up with one another. 

In the garden, Emily and Zack played with the wooden pebbles and stacking toys, Luna liked exploring the tunnel and bridge, while Sadie and Blake discovered the coloured wooden boxes, looking inside the see through coloured panes at each other and laughing while trying to repeat after Kelly the words red, green, blue and yellow, identifying the correct colours.