Butterflies at Molesey!
/The pre school children were very excited to release the butterflies this week. They took the butterfly net outside and sat in a circle to allow the butterflies space to fly off when they wanted to. Some of the children were even brave enough to let the butterflies sit on their hands. Scarlett started to laugh and said, “The butterfly is tickling my fingers”. Ada asked, “But why are we letting them fly away? Will they come back when it’s time to go to bed?” Will had noticed that there were slices of orange at the bottom of the net and asked, “Did the butterfly eat the orange to get all of his energy to fly away?” Once all of the butterflies had flown out of the net, they kept returning and landing on the trees and flowers in the garden. The children were very happy about this.
Our new book of the month is ‘We’re Going on a bear hunt’ and the children went on a bear hunt in the garden whilst listening to the story book for clues as to where the small bear pictures were hidden. Eddie found a bear by the mud kitchen and got very excited, calling out, “I found a bear, he was hiding in the mud”. When they got around to the trees (the forest) Ella found a bear on the twig and laughed, “There’s even one hiding on here, the cheeky bear!”. At the end of the bear hunt, Parker had noticed that there was a larger bear inside the tree house and shouted out, “Aaaaaah it’s the bear! Quick, back through the forest!” and all of his friends ran with him, pretending to run away from the bear. Great fun!
The children also took part in parachute games, counting down, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 before shaking the parachute very fast and laughing. Oliver then ran underneath the parachute and was jumping up and down. Some of the children followed him under and they all sat down together. Shyla suggesting, “This could be our den to read some stories”.
Last week the toddlers said goodbye to their butterflies as they were released in the garden. At first the butterflies didn’t want to fly away but this was nice as it gave the toddlers a chance to hold the butterflies and see them up close. Fabian was first to volunteer himself to hold the butterfly; he was very brave and gentle. Immy spotted the butterflies “Eyes” and “Legs” and pointed to show where they were. Rhys said “Bye, butterfly” as one found the courage to fly away. The toddlers have loved having living creatures in the room and watching them change over time. Ari still remembers the life cycle of the caterpillar and says “Caterpillar in a cocoon and now a butterfly”.
Outside in the garden the toddlers have been taking part in wheelbarrow races to practice their agility skills. Tristan loved this and encouraged his friends to join in. He shouted “Ready, steady, go!”. The toddlers have been learning to say “Excuse me” when a friend or obstacle gets in their way. Alastair and Jonny said “Beep beep” to let his friends know he was coming which worked just as well!
Back inside the toddlers have enjoyed being able to dress up again. Zac and Harriet dressed up as builders wearing a hi-viz jacket and a hard hat. Together they used the tools to fix things around the toddler room. Zac said “Fix, fix” and Harriet laughed. Connie has also been busy being a builder fixing her friend’s toys with the saw. Charlie found the fairy dress and sat on the giant bus travelling round the room with the biggest smile on his face. Zachary found the Chase costume and asked for some help to put it on. He then said “Chase is on the case!” and he kindly made sure to help his friends with whatever they needed.
The children in the under two’s room have enjoyed being outside recently. They liked going for walks in the buggies to visit the duck pond where they loved helping to feed the ducks bread by tearing it up and throwing it to them. Chloe and Billie were very excited and pointed to ducks while squealing with joy.
Back in the nursery garden, our newer children, Olivia, Luna and Sophie started to explore the tunnel and bridge, while Rafferty liked to throw the big balls into the main garden, then stretch and lean forward to try and retrieve them. The babies were fascinated with the release of the beautiful butterflies as you can see! Tomas, Finley, Chloe, Sadie and Ada got up close to them and pointed and watched as they were released. Sadie said “Wow!” As they flapped their colourful wings and flew off.
Inside the room, Emily spent some time playing with the zoo animals, smiling when the team said ‘Roar!’ Ada and Tomas concentrated really well during a mark making activity, where they chose the coloured pencils and made purposeful marks on the paper. The whole group have been taking part in different art activities to create a lovely farmyard display, painting pink piglets and sticking cotton wool to make woolly lambs.