More Pancakes Please!
/The preschool children went on a walk to the Imber Court playground. They had lots of fun taking turns on the slide and seeing who could go the fastest. They loved swinging high on the swings and Callum was excited when he spotted a motorbike to ride on, saying to Chloe, "It's a police motorbike". He was then rocking backwards and forwards saying, "Nee-nor". The children crouched underneath the climbing frame using it as a lions den. They pretended to be lions trapped behind the bars, roaring at each other and trying to escape from the cage.
The new Pancake Café roleplay area has created some fantastic imaginative play this week. The children made pancakes with playdough, with customers selecting what they wanted from a menu and paying with money. Lily called out, "Pancakes for sale here" when she was the shop. Max asked Lily, "How much monies?" The children also had tasty pancakes at snack time, choosing to top them with golden syrup, sugar and lemon.
This week, the toddlers have loved going on walks around the grounds of Imber Court. They got dressed in their waterproofs and wellies then went out to explore the fields and splash in all the puddles! They found some muddy grass with some of them deciding to walk over it and others deciding to walk around it. Oscar and Arthur jumped in every puddle they could find, laughing as the water sprayed up around them. Jasper found some sticks and used them to makes little splashes in the water, carefully squatting down and drumming in the puddles. Will laughed as he waded through the water saying “Deep puddle” before getting very excited when he saw the ducks and running after them. Jack, Benjamin and Scarlett said “Duck, duck” while Elena, George and Tomas quacked as they pointed to the ducks.
The toddlers have also really enjoyed engaging in magnetic activities. They played with tubes that rattled and shapes that all connected together. Ada decided to put two tubes together and said “It noisy” as she noticed it make a sound whenever she shook it. Oscar and Sienna had fun connecting the pieces and then shaking them to see if it would fall apart. Oliver said “Wow” as he rolled the ball around the table.
This week the babies have enjoyed exploring water! They have been busy filling cups and jugs with water and watching it pouring back into the water tray. Zac loved splashing in the water getting himself and his friends wet. They shared their excitement by laughing and splashing together. There was a lot of interest in the smell of the water as it had lemon essence added to it. Some of the babies dipped their fingers in the water and sniff their fingers, or licked them!. The babies had great, messy fun with a pile of flour. Chloe, Luca and Faris experimented using their fingers to make marks in the flour and seeing how it stuck to their hands. Ethan tentatively prodded it with his finger and Wren liked brushing it off the table on to the floor.
The babies have been working on the drawing skills and created some lovely pictures using the coloured pens. Zac showed good control of the pens and had a look of great concentration while drawing. Jonathan was more interested in tasting the flavour of the pens!
The babies also had a go at making pancakes with playdough, using the rolling pins to spread out the dough and, after being shown how to, trying to flip them.