/The preschool children have been very attentive doctors this week in our new doctor’s surgery role play area. Charlie was pretending to be the doctor, laying Elodie down and using the syringe saying, "I will make you better now". The children have explored x-ray pictures of parts of the body and Raegan identified the foot x-ray, telling Charlie, "My foot is hurt doctor". Barnaby took on the role of receptionist. He booked in appointments on the appointment card, asking Peter, "What time would you like to see the Doctor?"
The children also experimented with making huge bubbles in the tufty tray in the garden. They loved splashing in the bubbly water and then used the hoops to make huge bubbles with them inside. They were very intrigued as to how it was able to happen and were full of questions. Ida asked Chloe, "Wow, how did that happen?" Parker enjoyed popping the bubble as it formed around him. There was a lot of laughter during this fun science activity.
This week, the toddlers have experienced den building. They went into preschool to choose some materials to cover the climbing frame. Ada came back with army blankets and Tomas ran in with some green netting. The staff helped to cover the climbing frame to create a den. The toddlers then took turns to crawl around inside the den. George found it funny to hide behind the netting and poke his head around the side with a big smile on his face. Harry decided to join in and do the same.
The toddlers played with an obstacle course, testing their balancing skills on blocks as they moved around. They had to move really carefully so that they did not fall off the blocks. Scarlet, Vivienne and Jasper stretched out their arms wide to help them balance. Elena helped the children, who were struggling and kept falling off, by holding their hands which supported their balancing. Tomas shouted “Jump!” as he hopped off the end of the obstacle course. Oliver and Harry then said “Whee!” as they got off, sharing big smiles as they did.
This week, the babies they have enjoyed exploring the garden, kicking and throwing balls, peeking and crawling through the tunnel, popping bubbles, and digging in the sand using the buckets and spades. Eve really liked playing with the sand, using her hands and a spade to fill a bucket while saying "Dig, dig, digging!" They have also had fun moving around the garden on the ride-ons.
During the messy play activities, the babies have explored the cloud dough by squishing, pushing and smelling it. Some of them liked breaking it up into little pieces. Faris, Chloe and Tristan loved playing with the tapioca, picking up handfuls and watching it as it dropped back into the tray. Faris tried a little taste of it and seemed to like it!
As part of our World Book day activities, the babies have been painting paper plates to make a caterpillar picture for the walls. They have also used crayons, pens and jelly to make their own pictures of different foods.