Pancakes Please!
/This week, the children have had great fun playing in the Pancake Shop role play area as part of the Pancake Day activities. They took their friends orders with Eve declaring "I would like a pancake with chocolate and strawberries please!" William proudly pointed out "You use eggs, flour and milk to make pancakes. I know these things". This sparked a conversation about what toppings the children like on their pancakes. Imani excitedly said "Lemon! I'm having lemon at home". Roma joined in with "I have syrup". Xanthe then proceed to count out her money to pay for her pancake and said, " This is for me". The children were excited to have tasty pancakes for their snack.
The children also enjoyed their walk to the river, watching the boats and feeding the ducks. As the birds flew down to eat the bread, the children started to count how many they could see. Florence said, " I see 3 birds". Thomas started to clap and said "Up" and pointed up to the sky showing where they were flying.
This week, the babies have been busy using all their senses to explore and learn. They had great, messy play with soil and worms (cooked spaghetti). Oliver made holes in the soil, hiding some spaghetti inside them. He the carefully held one end and pulled it out, shaking the spaghetti before dropping it on the floor. The babies loved making splashes in the water table, watching each other and copying. Abigail made a big splash and said 'Splash'! Jasper and Abigail worked hard to bath the animals in the soapy water and used flannels to clean them.
The babies also played with herbs, leaves, lemons and limes in the water, creating a wonderful sensory experience for them. Zayne made noises by splashing in the water and saying 'Yay' and feeling the herbs that had mixed with the water. Adeline was curious and tried to squash lemons in her hands before smelling the citrus scent.
On one of their trips to the park, Jasper and Owen had great fun chasing each other around the field. When Owen caught up to Jasper, Jasper put his hand over his mouth and said 'Ooo' before giving each other big cuddles. In the play park, as they explored different ways to move and climb, Adeline went down the slide babbling happily to herself. Lyra, however, decided to have a go in the spinning chair. As it spun around, Lyra looked at the sky occasionally copying the staff by saying 'Whee!'