1, 2, 3 go!!


The children have been looking at speed and distance this week. The guttering was set up leading to card on the floor, with paint added to the bottom of each piece of guttering. They each had their own car and took turns to roll them, to see how far they would go. After three the children let their cars go, with Matilda shouting "1,2,3 go!" They cheered as their cars raced down and through the paint. They couldn't wait to see the marks their cars made and decide whose car went the furthest. They closely looked at the paint and compared the length. In the end they decided all the cars went very fast! The children have also been discussing letter sounds this week, with 'M' being the sound of this week. They sat together, making the sound and thinking of words that began with ‘M’. Zac said "Moon!", Elara said 'Maya. That's my cousin!" And they all knew that 'Mummy' was definitely an 'M' word. They had lots of fun drawing and painting their ideas of M words they thought of and showed each other - great work!


The babies have been practising their balancing skills this week. James and Arthur picked up a small wooden block each, placing it on the floor in front of them. They placed one foot on top of the block and held their arms up to balance themselves. As they wobbled and fell off, they looked at each other and giggled. Some of the older children, helped them by making a small obstacle course with the bigger blocks. Rowan joined James and Freddie and as they walked along, with Rowan pulling herself up to stand. The babies were very proud of themselves for their accomplishments, clapping along with each other. The babies have also been playing with the balls, kicking and rolling them around the garden. Rowan sat with the ball resting her hands on top, while Freddie and James kicked as hard as they could and chased after the ball as it rolled away.