The Gruffalo at Molesey!


This week the children have been focusing on ‘The Gruffalo’. Although we have had lots of rain this week the toddlers and pre school children have been wearing wet suits running around the outdoor area and making campfires, and cooking up Gruffalo crumble! Ezra said "It's hot so we have to blow it" whilst Thomas mixed together mud, bark and water, and said "I am stirring it before the Gruffalo comes!". They enjoyed a nature walk around the garden searching for The Gruffalo. The children all showed lots of different expressions and were "roaring" as they tip toed to look for him. Amelie shouted "I can see him! Quick, in the sand pit" as all the children ran to the sand pit noticing they made foot prints there.


The babies have had a great week exploring lots of different activities such as a ‘Gruffalo crumble’ which was consisted of porridge oats, rice and cornflakes and spoons and funnels. They showed great control handling objects moving them around mixing up the mixture. They babies have also enjoyed using the musical instruments and listening to nursery rhymes such as ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ and they showed their excitement by smiling and wiggling!