Woodland adventures and musical painting!


The children had an amazing time at fantastic Strawberry Fields play area in Fulwell. They climbed wooden poles and posts and threw Pooh sticks into the stream. Joshua was very helpful and showed his friends how to throw their stick the furthest ' You throw it like this!' he said holding his arm back. They discovered a giant spider's web 'I'm a big big spider and I catch flies!' announced Douglas. The Fat Controller was there next to a train. ' The controller will tell us which way to go. Let's ask where the beach is!. All aboard the train!' shouted Ray.

The babies joined the older children for the train ride and even had a turn to drive it. The giant green spider was the next part of the adventure, ' We need to hold his ears so we don't fall off ' said Alex.  The children found a wooden owl and Oliver suggested they all make owl ice cream as in the Gruffalo story. ' Can we come back again soon?' wondered a very excietd Matlida - and yes we will!


The babies have also enjoyed musical painting! They were able to paint freely to music, with some eating the paint as much as painting with it! Emily on the other hand preferred to dance and dance before sitting down to paint. Painting was followed with bubbles which is always well received as you can see!