Obstacle courses and soapy mud!

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The children designed their own obstacle course this week and decided the materials and best position for the most fun and challenge! They carried tyres together, and built up blocks and balancing beams and even positioned the cargo net to crawl underneath. Matilda practiced for a while and said' I am super fast!' I am really fast; watch me crawl under the net!' and so a very competitive edge to the proceedings! When areas fell down or collapsed, the children worked very hard to repair or redesign them ' This will make it stronger!' observed Alex. 


The babies have had great fun playing with and exploring the texture of the sticky mix. They added water to the shredded paper and soap, and mixed it and swished it around in their hands. The owl flew into the mud and back out again scattering the mud mixture everywhere as he hooted about the room! He landed on William's head briefly, causing him to laugh and laugh, and so the other little ones joined giggling and shrieking with the fun. 

This was followed by a very relaxing massage session with scented oils later in the day which was very soothing for the babies and the staff!