Bear Hunt!


This week the children have been going on a Bear Hunt! Our Yoga teacher kindly read the story and the children listened beautifully. They then acted out the story looking for the bear having adventures along the way. They later planned and built a giant den to hide in and worked so well as a team , using fantastic communication skills. ‘ We need a window’ observed Sienna who made one using the wooden blocks and dutifully kept a vigil to look for the bear. Wilder found a large cylinder ‘ Wow! A chimney!’ he said, and Zac found a large piece of wood which he thought would be a great front door. Elara decided to use the sandpit cover as a flooring material. ‘ This will crackle and we can hear if the bear comes!’ she told her friends. What a clever idea!

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The babies and toddlers have explored potatoes in a variety of ways, including digging in the sand to find them! Zach shouted ‘Ta-dah!’ as he found one hidden and William smiled and showed his to his friends. They have also printed with them and had a lovely trip to Bushy Park where they had some tasty potato waffles during their picnic, which Emily found particularly appetising! Afterwards they had an energetic run about , and throwing and catching balls, and a relaxing story time ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. They growled along with the story and moved among ‘ the long wavy grass’. Back at the nursery the story continued. Eve threw cornflour in the air as the snowstorm and Emily squished the soggy wet cardboard which felt just like wet mud. Great fun!