Mushy peas and campfires!


The children have had brilliant forest school adventures this week. They built their own den in the woods as you can see. Douglas decided a campfire was needed , and so they collected lots of twigs and sticks, which they rubbed onto a large branch. ‘We are making a fire! Here come the sparkles!’ said Leo. The children discovered a bridge which they stomped over. ‘Who’s that walking over my bridge?’ Matilda said in a deep gruff voice! They ventured further into the woods to discover stepping stones over the stream and Damon counted them as he went across. A large heron appeared and the children were fascinated watching the bird look for fish . ‘ Let’s help the heron find food ‘ Leo suggested, and after a discussion they made their own fishing rods to help catch some fish! How thoughtful!

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The babies have explored a new park today loved climbing and hiding there as you can see. Eve has a go at climbing on the ant and cheered and shouted ‘Whoosh!’ as she jumped off with the help of a member of staff. The sandpit was huge and James was so excited and rolled about on top, feeling the sand run through his fingers. They have also made their own photo frames, sticking pasta, leaves and other materials to decorate them. Hlenhaze decided to taste the pasta, and Joshua managed to get string stuck to his fingers and began waving his hands about to release the sticky mixture!