Our new Forest school classroom !


We are very proud and excited to announce our new Forest school indoor classroom at our Tadpoles building in lovely Carlisle Park! All the children, of all ages, whether term time or all year round will be able to visit the building and take part in the activities in this unique Forest school environment indoors and of course outdoors in the park itself.

The children love to design and build their own dens and shelters using camouflage fabrics, tarpaulins, pegs twigs and logs. They may go pond dipping, whitle with vegetable peelers and hunt for bugs.


The children also love to look for footprints, make traps, bark rub, play hide and seek and monitor the weather. They can explore the undergrowth and trees in the park, and record the seasons.

They use natural materials to create unique artwork, including mobiles.


As you an see even the youngest children can benefit from this amazing environment. The children are able to explore using the senses of sight, sound, touch and hearing. They are able to find natural objects that provoke curiosity, and share their excitement with others!

We look forward to sharing their experiences with you over the coming weeks and months.