Gruffalo's Child and the Post Box!

This week the toddlers have started to get into the winter spirit coming into nursery all snuggly in their winter coats, cosy hats and matching mittens. They love to watch the leaves fall from the trees, exploring in the foggy fields, blowing their breath into the air like dragons and pretending to shiver as we all wait for the snow and ice to appear as the temperature continues to drop. The toddlers have enjoyed coming in from the cold garden and into the warm toddler room to listen to their book of the month ‘Gruffalo’s child’. Esmè shouts “Mouse, mouse!” as soon as the book is opened waiting with eagerness to spot where the little brown mouse is hiding. Youcef likes to point out the Gruffalo’s child’s nose as well as his while Freddie sits listening with full concentration not able to take his eyes off the book waiting to know what happens next. As part of a messy activity the toddlers had the opportunity to play with their small world characters on a snowy Christmas Day where flour was poured all over the scene for the toddlers to enjoy. Amèliè loved drawing in the fake snow with her finger making lots of swirly shapes, while Jude enjoyed throwing the snow in the air watching with pure joy as it fell back down onto his face and floated around him and his friends. 

The toddlers have also been getting ready for Father Christmas and the arrival of his reindeer on Christmas Eve by writing their very own letters to Santa which will soon be posted by first class mail to ensure they arrive on time! They have also been making some delicious reindeer food which can be sprinkled across the garden on the night before Christmas to keep the reindeer happy! Each toddler looked carefully at all the printed images of toys that Father Christmas had sent to the nursery to help them decide which toy they may want. After some much needed thought and consideration Oliver picked some dressing up clothes and wrote very politely that this is what he wanted and folded the letter up in an envelope and to post later. Josh and Madan enjoyed pouring oats and cranberries into a giant mixing tray, while Kitty and Cece added some sprinkles. Margot and Jasper found some big wooden spoons and begun mixing all the ingredients together. Isabelle said “Reindeer food” and pointed to the mixture and Sebastian said “Basti and Otto eat some” but his friends soon shouted “No for the reindeer!” in a very assertive way. The toddlers are getting very excited for Christmas as they begin preparing lots of goodies for their special Christmas bags and learning lots of new Christmas songs during circle time. 

Last week the under two’s have began to make preparations ready for Christmas. They have been looking at Christmas scenes getting lots of different ideas, and made some beautiful twinkling snowflakes. Isla and Gabriel were really interested and keenly focused spreading the glue across the stars, and Blair enjoyed scrunching up the tin foil and rolling it in her hand.

India and Monty worked really well together making a snow picture using their paint sponges. India knew to dip hers into the paint and press it onto the paper, Monty watched her and began to copy, and Arlo enjoyed scrunching his paper up enjoying the noise it made. With some help they had had fun making a stable scene using the builders tray, using lots of straw and hid lots of different animals within it. Edward was having a great time hiding and finding the big cow, whilst Matilda was scooping hay up and covering the goat and the sheep. Blair was full of giggles when Alice tickled her feet with the hay. They have had fun time playing with the crazy foam, and the white foam looked like big mountains of snow. India put her hands straight into the while Harry watched, Charlotte blew some of the crazy foam up into the air this made Harry laugh and try to catch it as it came down.

The under two’s have enjoyed some beautiful walks around our amazing grounds, observing the wildlife. There were lots of hungry and Oliver threw his bread as hard as he could for them! Some were a little unsure about the noise that the big geese were making as it was very loud, but Monty found it funny and began to point and smile at them. They also managed to see lots of big tractors as the groundsmen were working hard to mak the grounds look beautiful for us to enjoy, Eva and Harry were waving as they went by.

Autumn Adventures!

Over the last couple of weeks, the pre-school children have really enjoyed the wet weather and splashing in as many deep puddles as they could possibly find on our walks around the nursery grounds. Alba and Zoe jumped in a very deep puddle and, once realising that the puddle was deeper than they expected, Alba laughed and said, “Woah, that was nearly slippery!” and Zoe replied, “That’s ok, we did good balancing”. Harry held on to Tommy’s hand to guide him through the puddle and reassured him, “Come in Tommy, it’s ok, we won’t get very wet”. However, once Tommy was in the puddle, he didn’t mind getting wet at all!
After stopping for a little snack and watching the world go by with joggers and dog walkers, the children went off to the corner of the rugby field which had collected a lot of rain water and turned in to a small pond that even the swans were enjoying. The children thought this was really funny and decided they wanted to join the swans in the water. Jonny even suggested, “Let’s take some pictures of us sharing the pond with the swans”. Once the ground dried up slightly in the afternoon, the children all loved some football games and hula hoop games over on the field. Sophie, Emily and Sadie all enjoyed throwing the ball to each other and listened to Zac explaining to them how to play ‘Piggy in the middle’.  

The pre-school children also really have a keen interest in learning about different types of animals and this week they have really enjoyed exploring different habitats including safari animals in a snow scene, farm animals in hay and some bugs and insects in some naturals materials. Each day Sophie would ask in the morning, “What animals are we going to find out about today?” and really enjoyed helping to set up the habitats. The children especially loved the snow scene, with Florence exclaiming, “It looks like real snow”.

Textures, Rain Storms & Bonfire Night!

Last week in the toddler room the children focused on exploring different painting techniques for their artwork. To start off their week based all around fireworks and bonfire night they created their very own firework display using cardboard tubes rather than brushes. Ceci loved mixing round the different colours of paint with it creating a swirl effect and was careful to not get it on her hands where as Margot got stuck in smearing paint over her picture with both the cardboard tube and her hands with a big grin on her face. Esmè shouted “Oh wow! Fireeeeworks!” and started clapping as they watched a few shorts video clips on firework displays to give them an idea on what it was all about. Towards the end of the week, the Toddlers tried out another painting technique but this time with cars! During the group activity, the toddlers were given a car each which they then dipped in their colour of choice before rolling it across the large sheets of paper making a very cool car print. “Wheeeee!” Youcef shouted as his car flew across the paper and Ada laughed as she copied. 

To mix things up last week both toddlers and pre schooled joined up to make their biggest train track yet! Both toddlers and pre school worked really well together as they added different parts to the track. Once it was completed Jude was bursting with excitement and couldn’t resist running over to test it out, Sophie collected a few of the happy land people, placing them around the track, while Otto ran straight for the trains in the box to place on the very long train tracks. “Choo Choo!” he called out as he pushed them along.  Meanwhile in pre-school, the rest of the toddlers and pre-schoolers were showing off their best dance moves in a joint dance party. Madan shook the pom poms as he danced about and Ceci began to jump up and down to the music giggling to herself. 

As there’s been lots of rain storms over the last week it has meant lots of muddy puddles for the toddlers to splash around in which they all absolutely loved. The toddlers really enjoyed sitting and listening to the loud heavy rain. The children all put on their coats and wellies before they headed out into the garden where there were giant puddles of water to explore. The toddlers collected some boats from the toy box and let them float along the water seeing which way the wind would push them, “Oh no, boat! “ Kitty said as her boat drifted off in a different direction. Madan also really enjoyed giving his dinosaurs a bath after they had stomped through the mud and bark, he giggled as it sunk under water and shouted “Dinosaur’s wet!”. 

This week, the under two’s have been really busy enjoying lots of different activities using cereal, pasta, leaves, shredded paper, chalk and paints. They’ve had lots of fun using the builders tray to experience different textures. They had cereal that had hidden farm animals in it which Rose had fun squeezing and squashing between her fingers, while India and Gabriel thought it was an extra snack, munching on the weetabix, Rose saw what they were doing and began to enjoy eating it too. Amelie was crawling around the builders tray gathering up all the toy sheep, Blair then began to crawl through the cereal looking a little confused as the cornflakes scrunched under her knees, Gabriel thought that it looked fun and started to copy her.

They’ve also enjoyed tearing up tissue paper to make a bonfire. They watched Melissa intently as they were shown what to do, Cleo and Blair were the first to get stuck into tearing the paper, Rose began to babble away as she tore up her pieces of tissue paper, while Matilda was having fun waving her paper in the air, smiling as it swished backwards and forwards in front of her.

India and Eva were really intrigued by the cornflour in the messy tray, when Charlotte began to lift up the cornflour and it fell through her fingers they stared in amazement. Eva then put her hands into the messy tray and was a little unsure as touched the cornflour, Blair copied her and screwed her face as her fingers touched the cornflour not liking the texture.

Whilst out on our morning walks, we’ve seen lots of different wildlife. Whilst watching the squirrels race up and down the trees chasing one another, Oliver was fascinated and began to point at them as they disappeared up the tree and when feeding the ducks Amelie started to get excited in the pushchair as she had spotted a little Robin sitting on the bridge waiting for some bread. The staff threw handfuls of leaves up into the air which made Gabriel and India smile with excitement as the leaves swirled and landed.

Autumn Colours

The pre-school children had a lot of fun learning about the Diwali festival. The children listened all about the festival at group times and enjoyed various activities and experiments involving Autumn colours throughout the week. One of the experiments that the children particularly enjoyed was under water fireworks! This activity included a glass of water, some vegetable oil and a mixed selection of food colouring. Sophie, Zoe, Alba and Ari helped to mix the food colouring with the vegetable oil before it was time to slowly add the oil and colouring to the glass of water. Alastair and Tom waited very patiently looking through the glass, Alastair asked, “What’s going to happen now?”. After only a couple of moments, the children very quickly noticed that something was happening as the colours were swirling around in the water! Ethan called out, “Wow Jonny, come and have a look”. He was very eager to show his friend what was happening too. 

The next colour experiment was walking water. The children helped to roll up some kitchen roll and placed the ends in to various cups which had a different colour in each cup. This experiment had an instant result and the children watched in amazement as the colours climbed up the tissue. Zoe said to Isla who was sitting next to her, “It looks just like a beautiful rainbow”. Once the blue and the red were about to touch each other, Isabelle wondered, “I wonder what the colour will make now?”. As the colours crossed over, Isla said, “I think it looks a little bit purple now that they have mixed”. 

The children had a very interesting week going on a daily walk to collect the leaves that had fallen from the same tree each time. Each day, the children bagged the leaves and brought them back to nursery and saved them in a box. The children then compared as the days went on, just how different the colours were looking. With only a two day space, Florence noticed, “These leaves are orange now, but these ones were still green on Monday”. It has been lovely to see how much the children have been involved in nature and taking in the quick changes of the season. Once they had finished collecting the leaves over the week, Lana, Youcef and Ada enjoyed doing a beautiful nature collage with the leaves. 

Diwali and Halloween week!

This week, the toddlers have been getting ready for Halloween by reading the book of the month ‘Room on the Broom’. The toddlers have enjoyed making very tall hats that the witch wore on her head, riding on sticks pretending they are flying broomsticks and learning to join in with the sounds of the book. Esmè enjoyed shouting ‘WHOOOOSHHHH’ they were gone while Youcef enjoyed saying “Ribbit Ribbit” every time he saw the frog appear. Jude and Amèlie loved making a dragon by using glue to stick pom-poms, tissue paper, googley eyes and anything else they were inspired to use. Freddie said “Rooooarrrr!” as he held his dragon up over his head, flying him through the air. The toddlers have been busy helping carve pumpkins by pulling out the pulp using their hands and spoons. Freddie said “Ewwww” as he felt it on his skin and ran away quickly to wash his hands. Margot loved the texture and grabbed handfuls of the pulp and laid it on the table. Luco wouldn’t touch the pulp but bent down and smelt it, laughed out loud and said “Yucky!”. 

Not only have the toddlers been getting ready for Halloween, they have also been celebrating Diwali. The toddlers picked their favourite costumes from the dressing up box, put them on and danced the afternoon away at their Diwali disco! Joshua enjoyed showing off his dance moves and waving coloured banners in the sky. Ada and Isabelle enjoyed using paint and colourful materials to make some Diwali lanterns to take home to show their families. Oliver enjoyed scrunching up the shiny foil piece by piece to add to his lantern while Otto T was more excited to tip the whole pot of foil onto his lantern which made all his friends laugh. 

Outside, the toddlers have enjoyed putting on their wetsuits and wellies and jumping in the huge puddles that have accumulated in the garden. Sebastian loved running as fast as he could trying not to fall over. Jasper enjoyed riding his bike through the water and Otto A enjoyed laying in the puddle rolling his train backwards and forwards. Sophie found a bucket and repeatedly filled it up with the puddle water and threw it on the plants to ensure they were getting a nice big drink! A lot of fun and smiles were shared by the toddlers in the very very big puddle. 

The under two’s have been busy playing and exploring with lots of different activities. They’ve had fun playing with pumpkins and making pumpkin pictures using apple halves with orange paint. Amelie really enjoyed poking her fingers into the orange paint when painting the apples, she held her hand in the air showing what she had done, India concentrated really hard pressing her apple onto her paper to make beautiful pumpkin marks.

Monty was straight over to investigate what was in the messy tray, Blair looked, intrigued at what was going on and began babbling and pointing at the pumpkin. Arlo reached forwards to try and get hold of the pumpkin getting the pumpkin pulp all over his hand, India noticed and picked up the pumpkin pulp and squeezed it between her fingers, pulling an unsure face. Oliver found it more fun to bang the plastic utensils on the side of the messy tray to create lovely loud sounds.

They’ve had fun making pictures on the floor using the paint dabbers. Matilda picked up two paint dabbers and made lots of different patterns on the paper, sweeping her dabber across the paper, while Cleo choose to make lots of dots everywhere using the different colours. Harry held his paint dabber on the paper but found it more fun to spin himself around in circles in the middle of the paper, laughing!

This week the children celebrated Diwali, the Hindu festival of light by creating colourful lanterns with glitter paint. Edward and Isla got stick in straight away, using brushes to dab the glittery paint onto the paper plate. Amelie and Harry were a little more cautious at first, but soon began making marks too while Blair loved dipping her fingers into the sparkly paint. The children also loved watching the colourful beams of the sensory lights shining on the walls and ceiling of the dark room. The children pointed and tried to catch the shadows that were cast.