Gruffalo's Child and the Post Box!

This week the toddlers have started to get into the winter spirit coming into nursery all snuggly in their winter coats, cosy hats and matching mittens. They love to watch the leaves fall from the trees, exploring in the foggy fields, blowing their breath into the air like dragons and pretending to shiver as we all wait for the snow and ice to appear as the temperature continues to drop. The toddlers have enjoyed coming in from the cold garden and into the warm toddler room to listen to their book of the month ‘Gruffalo’s child’. Esmè shouts “Mouse, mouse!” as soon as the book is opened waiting with eagerness to spot where the little brown mouse is hiding. Youcef likes to point out the Gruffalo’s child’s nose as well as his while Freddie sits listening with full concentration not able to take his eyes off the book waiting to know what happens next. As part of a messy activity the toddlers had the opportunity to play with their small world characters on a snowy Christmas Day where flour was poured all over the scene for the toddlers to enjoy. Amèliè loved drawing in the fake snow with her finger making lots of swirly shapes, while Jude enjoyed throwing the snow in the air watching with pure joy as it fell back down onto his face and floated around him and his friends. 

The toddlers have also been getting ready for Father Christmas and the arrival of his reindeer on Christmas Eve by writing their very own letters to Santa which will soon be posted by first class mail to ensure they arrive on time! They have also been making some delicious reindeer food which can be sprinkled across the garden on the night before Christmas to keep the reindeer happy! Each toddler looked carefully at all the printed images of toys that Father Christmas had sent to the nursery to help them decide which toy they may want. After some much needed thought and consideration Oliver picked some dressing up clothes and wrote very politely that this is what he wanted and folded the letter up in an envelope and to post later. Josh and Madan enjoyed pouring oats and cranberries into a giant mixing tray, while Kitty and Cece added some sprinkles. Margot and Jasper found some big wooden spoons and begun mixing all the ingredients together. Isabelle said “Reindeer food” and pointed to the mixture and Sebastian said “Basti and Otto eat some” but his friends soon shouted “No for the reindeer!” in a very assertive way. The toddlers are getting very excited for Christmas as they begin preparing lots of goodies for their special Christmas bags and learning lots of new Christmas songs during circle time. 

Last week the under two’s have began to make preparations ready for Christmas. They have been looking at Christmas scenes getting lots of different ideas, and made some beautiful twinkling snowflakes. Isla and Gabriel were really interested and keenly focused spreading the glue across the stars, and Blair enjoyed scrunching up the tin foil and rolling it in her hand.

India and Monty worked really well together making a snow picture using their paint sponges. India knew to dip hers into the paint and press it onto the paper, Monty watched her and began to copy, and Arlo enjoyed scrunching his paper up enjoying the noise it made. With some help they had had fun making a stable scene using the builders tray, using lots of straw and hid lots of different animals within it. Edward was having a great time hiding and finding the big cow, whilst Matilda was scooping hay up and covering the goat and the sheep. Blair was full of giggles when Alice tickled her feet with the hay. They have had fun time playing with the crazy foam, and the white foam looked like big mountains of snow. India put her hands straight into the while Harry watched, Charlotte blew some of the crazy foam up into the air this made Harry laugh and try to catch it as it came down.

The under two’s have enjoyed some beautiful walks around our amazing grounds, observing the wildlife. There were lots of hungry and Oliver threw his bread as hard as he could for them! Some were a little unsure about the noise that the big geese were making as it was very loud, but Monty found it funny and began to point and smile at them. They also managed to see lots of big tractors as the groundsmen were working hard to mak the grounds look beautiful for us to enjoy, Eva and Harry were waving as they went by.