Nursery Growing Area and Colours!

Over the last couple of weeks, the pre school children have been helping out with the nursery growing areas. Zoe and Alba worked well at turning the soil over and Alba realised quite quickly, “This is hard work!” with a gentle sigh. Zoe was very amused at the amount of worms that they found in the process. Many of the children have absolutely loved the responsibility of being able to look after the areas, including watering and checking the plants daily for growth and the seeds they have sown to see if anything has started to grow. Each day Isla has come in to nursery, she has asked, “Are there any tomatoes or peas yet?” Zac picked up on this and one day when Isla asked, he laughed and said, “No Isla, we need to be patient and keep watering them”. The children have also been discussing what vegetables they would like to pick and eat with a roast dinner. Ari chose the carrots whilst Florence chose the green beans telling all of her friends, “They are my favourite, they are so yummy and delicious”.

The children have also been exploring colours and of the favourite activities was a coloured ice painting one. The most exciting part was clearly when the children found that there were dinosaurs frozen in to the ice blocks, giving them the chance to use the dinosaurs feet to do some painting. Charlie and Max were fully engaged making paint marks on the paper with Sophie telling them, “Wow boys, that looks so lovely and colourful”. Immy and Amelia had smelt the scent of peppermint in one of the blocks and Amelia said, “It smelly just like an ice lolly”, encouraging her friends to smell the ice.

The children also really loved getting messy whilst playing with the spaghetti rainbow. When Olivia saw the rainbow, she gasped slightly and said, “That’s a beautiful rainbow”. The best part of course was mixing all of the colours together. Alastair commented, “But now it looks like a silly rainbow”, which made his friends laugh.