Bushy Park and Horses!

Over the last couple of weeks the toddlers have been extremely busy, taking part in lots of fun and engaging activities, exploring the outdoors and getting their hands dirty. The toddlers had a great time digging up vegetables and doing a little bit of farming themselves with our very own farming builders tray. Sebastian got stuck in straight away and made his way around the tray collecting all of the baby corn. Amelie put all of the farmers into the farm house “They’re cold I put on the heating beep they warm now”. Luciano had fun peeling the layers off of the brussel sprouts and Jude used all his strength to snap up the carrots.

The toddlers explored senses such as touch, smell and taste when playing with this activity and they had the best time. Getting out and about for a day, the toddlers went on a trip to Bushy Park. They hopped into the buggies and off they went. As the toddlers were out for the whole morning, we took snack and a blanket and had a picnic style snack on the grass which they enjoyed very much. Jasper found a stick so big that he had to recruit his friends to help lift it. Cleo used all her might and gave an almighty “Uurgh” as she lifted one end. They continued exploring and come across some huge logs and ran straight over to them. They climbed over and under, sat on and jumped off the logs, all whilst sharing this fun moment together with their friends. On the way back from Bushy Park the toddlers stopped off and admired the amazing Hampton Court Palace. Sophie pointed to the roof in excitement and notified her friends on what she’d seen “A witch” and after a discussion about witches she then exclaimed “A dragon” which Margot repeated “A dragon up there”.

Back at nursery, the toddlers have been having huge amounts of fun spending lots of time in the garden. The toddlers put on their builder hats and got to work driving the diggers around in the sand and moving one pile to another. Amelie took it upon herself to go and get a tool in order to make her job easier. She realised that using the digger was taking too long to scoop up the sand and so used the tool instead. She said “I’ve got big spade to pick up sand now”. The other toddlers soon copied this great idea! 

The new foam bricks have been a huge hit with the toddlers who have been stacking them up as high as they could and knocking them over. Kitty and Sophie were working together to build the tower. As one was balancing the bricks, the other would say, “Oh careful, it wobbly” and laugh aloud when it was knocked down.

The under two’s have really embraced exploring the outside environment over the past couple of weeks as the lovely spring weather has arrived. As well as enjoying spending plenty of time free flowing in the new outside garden decking area, they have also spent long periods of time out on walks around the nursery grounds and even venturing off to the river. 

Whilst out on one of the walks, the babies had the opportunity to watch a large boat being offloaded in to the river. This completely fascinated the little ones. They watched in amazement as Isla very loudly called out, “Boat, boat”, whilst shaking her arms and legs with excitement. As the boat made a splash in to the river, Harry giggled and said, “Uh oh”. At the end of the walk, the children sat down on the grass to have a relaxing picnic snack. Eva was very amused that the ducks were approaching them and was really laughing as the ducks got closer. She then continued to make duck gestures at them and her friends, using her hands. 

Outside in the garden, the children were very engaged in a bubbly water activity. Matilda and Gabriel were pushing the balls around the water and watching intently as the bubbles were being moved around the tray. Matilda picked up the balls and was then dropping them back in to the water, very quickly realising that she was making splashes. This really made Ava giggle was she was sitting back, intrigued what her friends were up to.