Costumes, Cobwebs & Collecting!
/During the last couple of weeks, the preschool children have been really excited for the build up to Halloween and have enjoyed taking part in many fun spooky activities. Riley told all her friends “It’s Halloween! I got my decorations at my home already.” The children have enjoyed coming into nursery dressed up as witches, wizards, cats and pumpkins. Shyla said “I’m a nice witch, not a wicked witch”. Vivienne replied “I love Halloween.” The children have had great fun creating smiley ghost pictures from the The Little Princess and the ghost book and using different shapes to make pumpkins ornaments to hang on the door. The children applied glue to their orange card and then used different shapes to make a face and create pumpkins. Sienna was very excited to show her pumpkin off to her friends, she began to laugh and said “My pumpkin has lots of eyes to see!”
During the last couple of weeks the children have enjoyed the transition into the Autumn season. The children have used the leaf sponges and paints and made autumn pictures using natural materials found on their daily walks such as leaves, twigs, acorns and pine cones. Maya chose a sponge and said “I’m going to make a red leaf like the one in my garden. It fell from the tree.”
Out in the garden they were really excited to race each other using the stilts and took it in turns to share the stilts whilst they had their races. Jack said “I’m going to win, I can walk fast on the stilts!” Joshua replied “I think I will win too, I got fast feet on my legs.” The children have also been on many walks around the grounds and splashing in several puddles. William said “Whoah that’s a big puddle” and ran over to jump into it. Ethan was very excited to see lots of Geese whilst out and walked over laughing and said “Ahh they going to get us!” as the geese walked over to get some bread.
As Halloween fast approaches, the toddlers have enjoyed coming into nursery dressed up as cats, scarecrows and spiders. Alastair and Florence loved making a giant spider web that was put up across the room for the children to look through and hide behind. Rowan shouted “Boo!” as he jumped up behind it. Blake and Sadie helped cut the pumpkin for messy play. Blake said that it “feels slimy” as she pulled the insides of the pumpkins out. Luna smelt the pumpkin and said “Yucky!” and threw it back into the tray.
Outside the toddlers have been collecting sticks and leaves on walks around the grounds as part of our autumn theme. Rafferty made a hedgehog using the broken up sticks from the walk and adding googley eyes. He then went round to all his friends showing them what he had made. Using the leaves collected on the walk the toddlers made leaf monsters using feathers, sequins, tissue paper and googley eyes. Ada said her leaf monster was “good” and counted how many eyes it had “One, two, three, four, five!”.
Back inside the toddlers have been hiding in their very own hedgehog den on the climbing frame. Tommy found the animal teddies and buried them under the blankets and said “Fox sleeping, shush!” when any of his friends went passed. To celebrate Diwali the toddlers used paper, dabber pens, feathers and more to create lanterns to take home to their families.
This week in the under two’s room, they have been having fun out in the garden enjoying the sunshine. Sebastian and Kitty were getting really excited exploring the wooden bridge, going over it and meeting each other the other side and laughing. Elsewhere in the the garden they played with the dinosaurs and wooden cars, and Freddie enjoyed finding the dinosaurs out of the sand tray.
Inside the boys had a lot of fun playing “peek a boo” standing on top of the climbing tower, which made Youcef and Sebastian laugh and squeal with delight. Over in the home corner Amélie and Margot were playing with the kitchen toys and making meals. Margot kept turning the cups upside down and banging them like they were drums, whilst Amélie used the wooden fork and the saucepan. All the children enjoyed doing the teabag printing using different coloured water to make wonderful artworks. Youcef especially had fun squeezing them so the colourful water went all over his hands.