Pirates, Boats & Treasure!

The older children have been exploring pirates, looking at where they live and what they do. They have practiced their pirate sounds and actions and really liked to find the buried treasure that was encased in ice! Abigail liked melting the blue ice, and when her coin came out she showed it to her friends. She gave a coin to George and helped him melt his ice as he giggled back and said “Ooowww”. Wilf helped to make some pirates alongside Charlie and they both mimicked the sound a pirate would make, saying “Argghh” and moving their arms. Bodie came over and joined in with their crafts saying “Pirates live on a ship”, before they then continued to play around the nursery acting like pirates.

In the garden we had some pirate races, pushing the boats along to see which one would be the fastest! Emma liked watching the boats but much preferred splashing in the water with Ciana, and when Emma splashed Ciana, she would splash bigger splashes making both the girls laugh and laugh. Reuben and Lyra played with some spaghetti sea, which they used to hide pirate treasure and let toy pirates swim. Maeva and Deliah helped to make junk model boats and used lots of colours pointing out that their ship was going to be colourful. Sidney and Zayne preferred to paint a sea using sponges, dabbing the painting dotters on the paper. Sidney felt the way the sponge felt, squashing it and paint in his hand and smearing it everywhere whilst smiling at his new colourful hands. Zayne thought it was funnier to make big splash type marks on the paper with the dabbers and see the the differnet effects when he dabbed either hard or gently.

The children have also explored Autumn this week. They have been into the woods to collect some wonderful Autumn natural resources such as leaves and conkers to create some amazing art works. Alba and Charlie tipped up the tray one end to make wonderful marks with the conkers and paint inside, and Charlie spotted the different colours and thought it was really funny tipping it up above their heads. Oliver and Sienna made some pictures whilst at the park using some of the leaves they collected, and began to make hedgehogs but half way through decided to instead make some family portraits! They talked about their families whilst busy doing their artwork and showed it off proudly.                

The babies became pirates hunting for treasure in a water messy tray. The treasure had sunk to the bottom of the deep dark ocean meaning the babies needed to use different tools to scoop up the gems under the boats. Rouxx opted for a bright yellow sieve shouting “Yeah! Yeah!” whilst Honor used her hands, “Boat!” she called out as she made big ripples and waves by swirling her hands round and round. Dora excitedly used her ladle to collect her gems, transferring them into a bucket. Jamie liked this idea and speedily filled his bucket up whilst babbling “Mamama”. Harriet explored the gems by holding them up in the air and tasting them to see if they were real. This made Alex giggle and he used his ladle to drink up the water. “Pirate” said Dora as she pointed to Carol who was banging her gems together to make a beautiful tune. Theo splashed his hands around in the water, not worrying about what laid beneath the ocean.

The little pirates found a bridge perfect for walking the plank. However, they spotted a group of ducks eating their breakfast in the Woodland Gardens. Rouxx was extremely brave and ran towards the ducks for a closer look, “Quack quack” Luca said and pointed towards them. Dora spotted geese and decided to run the other way. Honor followed “Duck?” she questioned when she saw the large speedy geese. Alex ran on the spot in excitement “Ahh!” he said looking at all the animals in front of him. Mabel clapped her hands and everyone began to sing ‘Five little ducks’ !