St Mary's care home visit


This week the children visited St Mary's care home. The children took some of the new puzzles with them to share with the elderly residents. Norah Mae said "I can't wait to go, we can show them how good we are!" On the walk to the care home, the children observed what they could see. Jenson pointed out a big bird in the trees and lots of cars passed. As they arrived, the children walked to the door and waited patiently to be let in. They were very friendly to the residents, waving, smiling and saying “hello”. They sat with them, playing with their puzzles, showing them how they worked!

Ines was very excited and started singing “Let it go” at the top of her voice, with laughter coming from all residents. The children and elderly ladies enjoyed each other's company, and spent a while playing together. The fish tank took the children’s interest, and Hlenhaze and Arjun made silly fish faces “Look I am a fish!” which made the ladies laugh. When getting ready to leave, Emily decided to play peek-a-boo with one of the elderly ladies, hiding under the table and popping out shouting "boo" and giggling. We look forward to seeing them again soon!


The babies have had great fun building towers in the garden with the big blocks. Xanthe loved to help count the blocks as we built them higher and higher, "Three, four" she repeated with the staff. Well done! James and Freddie decide to build a tower together, and as it started to wobble they both giggled. They both pushed it over to see it crash to the ground, and Thomas decided he would like to help and came rushing over with a dustpan and brush! "Ta" Thomas said to his friends as he was trying to sweep up the blocks. Rowan joined in helping Thomas to pick up some bricks.

We also had great fun playing with some lavender plant stems and flowers in the water tray. Thomas pointed to the mixture encouraging Xanthe to touch it, as Ines looked disapproving as she felt the texture "Ewww" she said. The children were encouraged to smell the mixture, and as they lent forward for a smell, Thomas splashed them all instead! They all screamed and giggled, as Thomas ran off to play. Great fun!