Hungry Frogs!

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The children re-enacted the Hungry Frog book, and searched in the shredded paper pile to find the frogs. Theo noticed the frogs eyes peek out form the mass of paper, and laughed as he said ‘ It’s watching me!’ Sienna giggled and said ‘It wants to eat you!’. They then decided to feed the shredded paper to the frogs. Amelia thought it looked like snow and threw it up into the air to whoops of delight from her friends. They then read the story together and talked about what they could see. Douglas pointed to a picture of a frog and said ‘It looks funny!’ . This was followed by looking into the nursery pond to see if they could see any real ones. They saw the fish , but no success with the frogs this time. Soon be time for frog spawn!


The babies and toddlers have been exploring their sensory environment. They went to Bushy Park, and as it was windy took some the bubble mixture and chased bubbles about. Hlenhaze even had a go at blowing bubbles himself! Eloise was clapping her hands and smiled when a bubble popped on her nose! Whilst chasing the bubbles they found some logs and tree stumps. They explored, feeling the bark, and climbing onto the stumps as you can see. They collected leaves and twigs and took them back to the nursery, and added them to the water tray. Thomas and James were smelling the leaves and pouring water onto the floor. James splashed in it whilst Thomas laughed and pointed. Some of the little ones explored the natural materials in a different way, placing them onto the light box to see the patterns, shadows and colours.