World Book Day!


The children celebrated World Book Day throughout the week. They brought in their favourite stories and were very excited to show their friends. These were read out at group time and the children identified and copied some of the phrases from the books. They pointed out the characters they were dressed as, and even acted them out! One of the girls made up her own song and began to sing ‘I’m a mermaid, a mermaid, just look at me!’ ‘I’m a flying Gecko’ said one of the boys, and thrust out his arms, running about, and another said ’I’m puss in boots! On guard!’. This was followed by meowing and laughing.

They visited the park in their outfits as you can see, acting out The Bear Hunt, and collected sticks and threw them into the pond to see how far they could go. They climbed onto trunks logs and hills, making up their own stories as they travelled. We hope you enjoy spending the book token and enjoy the book you buy!


The babies and toddlers have been exploring new ways to move. They went to the park for a lovely walk where they noticed the grassy mounds. James was straight over to them, climbing over them as well as tumbling down the other side, with huge giggles. He joined the other children by running up to them and chasing them back. The moment theme continued at nursery, with Millie and Joshua eager to climb up the steps. Ines was particularly good on the balancing beam, and even helped the staff assist the other little ones by pointing at what to do whilst she watched. At one point Freddie held her hand for support and smiled. How kind! Thomas and Emily went into the sand area, and made their own mounds, practicing how to build and knock them down!