Pumpkin Soup and Muddy Pies!


This week the children have been looking at the letter "T" as their sound of the week. Douglas drew a picture of a tiger and began to chant "I am a tiger, I am a tiger!’ then let out a great big roar and laughed. Sami held his foot in the air and proceeded to giggle and shouted "I've got wiggly toes!". The children found this quite entertaining and they all began to wiggle their feet.

The children have been exploring pumpkins and potatoes in the mud kitchen. They used these to make a variety of vegetable pies. Sienna began to cut a pumpkin cleverly counting each time she cut off a piece. Molly held a potato up and said "This is in the garden" and began to bury it in the soil. The children have been making animal dens using the wooden bricks. Jonah created an enclosure for the lions. Jonah laughed and said "They can't escape!" Jonah then proceeded to roar!


The babies have enjoyed playing with bubbles and moving to music as they tried to catch them. Oliver smiled up as he watched the bubbles blow out of the machine really fast, with one even popping on his nose, which made him laugh. Oliver stared at this surprised as the other children giggled. Jasper couldn't wait to catch the bubbles and used various items in the room to pull himself up so he could be closer to the bubble machine and clapped his hands together to pop them! 

The babies also explored cloud dough in the malleable tray. Lyra was so intrigued and immediately tried to grasp at this new material but it slid out in between her fingers. Johny was eager to get involved, and ran to see what was in the tray. He crouched down next to his friend and pulled at the material and threw it in the air.