Hamptons Nursery goes to Garsons Farm
/As part of our story of the month "Pumpkin soup" the children went to Garsons Farm. On the way there the children were excited and spoke about the various fruit and vegetables they may see. Sienna smiled and said "We are going on a tractor". Once we had arrived at our destination the children proceeded to clap and chant "We are here!" Whilst the children rode around on the tractor they pointed to various things they could see such as birds and various plants such as sweetcorn and raspberries. Once the children had arrived at the pumpkin patch they ran about deciding which pumpkin they wanted to bring home.Jonah found a large pumpkin and said "I can pick this up!" Eve found a tiny pumpkin and picked it up, she placed it in her bag and proudly said " This is mine, it's a baby" and proceeded to giggle. The children then moved on to the sweet corn field and started to hide amongst the tall plants. Isla jumped out and shouted "Boo!". which everyone laughed at and made other join in a new game!
This week the babies explored the texture of the moon sand. Lyra and Johnny picked it up and swathed it through his fingers. Johnny then began to press his fingers into the dough looking at the different marks it made. Oliver and Jasper enjoyed tummy time where they placed their hands in water and splashed smiling at each other. Owen and Abigail had great fun sliding down the slide and clapping at each other. Ready, steady, go!