Out and about!


The children have been out and about on a huge scale this week! They wanted to meet people in the community, and so visited Sainsburys to see where the groceries come from . ‘This is where I go shopping with my mummy and daddy’ Faith told her friends. In the chemist Jonah asked ‘Where are all the plasters? We need them to make us better!’ They met a very friendly policeman. ‘He has a very big hat on his head!’ noticed Douglas and Matilda said ‘ He has trappers to put bad people in jail!’ when she saw the handcuffs. The policeman has very kindly agreed to visit the nursery next week, which is very exciting!.

In the park, the children fed the ducks and waved to a tractor driver who went past collecting leaves. ‘Let’s help collect the leaves! ‘ shouted Clara, and they gathered lots of leaves, but decided it was more fun throwing them into the air and even lay down making leaf angels.


The babies made pancakes this week, measuring the ingredients together. Eve helped to pour the water, and when it spilt all over the table said ‘ Uh-oh!’. Emily spread the flour out onto the table, pushing it everywhere, and laughed when it fell onto Sabina’s leg, and even managed to produce a shocked face !

The little ones have also visited the park, and love to feed the ducks , sometimes with help as you can see. Josh tried to throw the feed, but it blew back into his hair, causing him to have a good shake of his head and laugh. ‘Bye ducks!’ said Zac as it was time to leave, and on their return the toddlers made a den with William playing Peek-a-boo!