Science, Gummy Bears & Owls!
/Over the last week the toddlers have been looking at magical materials and taking part in science experiments. The toddlers have explored solids and liquids by melting ice with jugs of warm water. Chloe would carefully hold the jug with two hands while trying to pour some of the warmer water over the ice. Florence noticed the big pieces of ice were changing, “Ice get smaller”. The toddlers also explored a magical transformation with cornflour as they played with it changing from a hard solid in the tray to a gooey substance in their hands. Sophie loved watching the gloop fall between her fingers.
Zack, Blake and James thoroughly enjoyed the gummy bear experiment where each of the toddlers had the opportunity to throw a gummy bear into the water. The toddlers left the gummy bears over night and waited eagerly to see them the next morning. Alastair couldn’t wait to see them the next day and was asked if he could see a difference between the gummy bears out of water to the ones in the water. He noted that they were “Bigger!” as he pointed to the sweets that had been soaking. The toddlers eyes widened as they saw the gummy bears had TRIPLED IN SIZE!
Outside, the toddlers have been using their binoculars to try and spot some real life owls as we started our new book of the month ‘Owl Babies’. Back inside, the toddlers used paint, feathers and many other materials to create their very own owl to take home to their families. Sadie said “Twit Twoooo” and held her owl high above her head as if it was flying.
This week in the under twos room, the little ones have been painting using small sponges. Amélie knew to press her sponge straight onto the paper to make paint marks on it, whilst Jack was a little unsure of the sponge at first but soon got stuck in getting paint on his paper and best of all his hands! The children have had fun exploring the new books in the library box, and Sebastian and Ada have enjoyed learning how to get the pictures in the push and pull books to move around.
Esmé and kitty found it funny looking through the colourful wooden shapes, Esmé kept laughing each time she held it to her face. The children also been playing with the farm animals, putting them in and out of the farm house, as well as learning the name of the animals and the noises that they make. Margot and Amélie tried copying the animal sounds which made Jack laugh.
On one of their walks they came across a massive digger in the fields which they found mesmerising as you can see! You never know what you will find when out and about!