Ice, Animals & Foggy Walks!
/The preschool children have loved exploring ice over the past couple of weeks and talking about the winter weather, including the changes in the trees in our garden and on our walks. The children collected some ice from outside that had formed overnight and placed it in to a tray inside. Shyla very excitedly told her friends, “It’s like the real Elsa has been to nursery!”. Henry, Shyla, Vivienne and Maya were holding bits of ice, laughing and watching the ice melt slowly in the palms of their hands.
Whilst out on a foggy walk, the children found several puddles that had ice formed over the top of them and they all enjoyed jumping in the puddles, watching and listening to the crack of the ice as it broke. Riley said to her friends, “This is the most funnest walk!”. Salvador looked over on to the foggy football fields and very excitedly got his friends attention, telling them, “But we can’t see the park or the trees anymore because it’s sooooo foggy out here”.
The children have also been exploring various jungle, sea, farm animals as well as different types of dinosaurs. They have been learning about habitats and the names of some animals offspring. In the garden, we had a safari set up where Joshua, Will, William and Benjamin enjoyed playing. Joshua was quizzing his friends, “So who remembers what this ones baby is called?” holding up a different animal each time. When the children correctly answered, Joshua was praising them, “Well done, good remembering”.