Dinosaurs at Molesey!


The older children have been very interested in talking about dinosaurs and have taken on a role of "Dinosaur keepers" this past week. Some of the children used the wooden blocks to make a barrier surrounding around the dinosaurs which William called "A dinosaur kingdom, just like Jurassic world". After making the surrounding around the dinosaurs, Max then started to make a track around the outside and said, "We need to go on a train to get to the kingdom". Some of the other children were making a Television with the blocks which Zachary said, "We can watch the dinosaurs on our TV" and invited his friends to come and join him to watch!

The children have really enjoyed lots of play dough fun, especially making pizzas for a pretend picnic. Parker had rolled his play dough out and told his friends, "It is a pizza, but it looks like a pancake too". Ella started to roll small bits of play dough out and placed them on her play dough pizza and said, "I have peas on my pizza because peas are very healthy for you". Dylan then said, "But the evil peas don't taste nice - They're in Supertato!" 

The children had planted sunflower seeds in their individual pots recently and watched them grow over time. Once they had grown big enough, the children transferred the sunflowers in to our outside growing patch. Edie told Ada, "This is a good idea to do this, because all of the rain will help our sunflowers grow". 


The toddlers have enjoyed exploring different textures through sensory and malleable play. Zac and Ari have loved the water play where they decided to wash the boats with bubbles. Ari said "Zac you wash the blue boat" and Zac replied "Blue boat, yay". Jonny and Sophie had great fun splashing the water by hitting the water with their hands. They laughed as this soaked them head to toe! Charlotte and Isabelle have explored the sand, rubbing it between their fingers, hair and toes! Charlie enjoyed seeing the marks he made during Lego printing "look look" he said feeling proud of himself. 

Outside the toddlers have loved taking a risk and engaging in an obstacle course. Amelia loved travelling through the tunnel on her hands and knees. Immy finally took the leap of faith off the little step with no assistance and Rhys has mastered running the obstacle course as fast as he can. The toddlers have also been experimenting with different ways to move through the obstacle course. Some did using the trial and error method. Harriet tried shuffling along the wooden beam whereas Tristan found it more appealing to jump from one side to another. 

Back inside the toddlers have been looking at different modes of transport and talking about their experiences on each one. While decorating the transport board with photos from home the children began recognising themselves, family members and friends on the different modes of transport. Isla excitedly mentioned going on ‘A boat with daddy and mummy’. Sammy recognised himself on a scooter and said "Sammy scooter". 


The youngest children have been having lots of fun exploring their new tea set and toy food. It was all set up nicely at the table and Blake, Emily and Billie loved picking up the cups, plates and spoons, mixing, pouring and shaking the different utensils. The children were saying “Cheers!” and clinking cups together, pretending to eat the toy food. 

The under two’s also had fun playing with weetabix, oats and readybrek during a messy activity. Isaac, Luna and Daniel really got stuck in, exploring the dry, crispy textures fall through their fingers and sprinkling the cereal around. Isaac was giggling when he dropped it and Ada preferred to use a spoon to scoop and pour instead.

During our daily walks around the grounds the children have been very excited to see  that the resident ducks have now got baby ducklings! There are 11 in total which the children fed some bread.  Finley said “Wow!” Rafferty said was saying “Look, quack quack” and Sophie was jumping up and down in her seat with delight.  

Healthy bodies!


The older children have looked at healthy bodies this week,including activities and food. They have been busy exercising, including running around the garden. Eve had the idea of having a race to make them run faster, and Zach loved this idea shouting ‘Lets race!’ encouraging all of his friends to join in. Emily decided to skip during the race and Eve copied saying ‘This is fun’. When they finished William jumped up and down shouting ‘Yay!’ this made the other children laugh as they joined in. The children discussed healthy habits such as brushing teeth and washing, this led to a dinosaur cleaning activity. Ines and James used soap to wash of the dinosaurs whilst Oliver used a tooth brush. Speaking about why we clean and brush our teeth Xanthe told everyone ‘We wash to keep germs away’ and Ines agreed, adding ‘We brush our teeth to keep them clean, and healthy’. Whilst playing with the soap Jasper had lots on his hands and clapped his hands together making it snow soap, this made all the children laugh, especially when it landed on top of Alba’s head.! The other children really loved this game and got handfuls of soap to clap together and make a lovely mess. The children also tried some new fruits, such as plum and cantaloupe, Emily tried lots of the different fruit, and said ‘I love this, its yummy. I have it at home.’. In the garden the children made their own healthy food in the mud kitchen, Nyra made some tasty fruit salad that Thomas couldn’t wait to try.

The children also explored colours, starting with some cornflour play they children mixed colours, William saw some orange being mixed and he told everyone that red and yellow make orange. Lyra pointed out some green. and knew it was made from yellow and blue. Using the parachute they found different colours, and as a group children would shake the ball onto the colour asked for such as green. They also tried to find matching colours around, and Thomas found lots of green whilst Imani found lots of red. Maxwell had an idea that rainbows have lots of colours, and asked the children what colours a rainbow has. The children then made their own rainbows, and Sophia and James named all the colours they would use.


The younger children have been playing with the vegetables trying to identify the food and colours. Jessie found the carrot, bread and egg and gave it to her friends to eat, and they then tried to eat their plate of food, Emma was very surprised to find out it wasn’t really food when given it to eat and looked very surprised! Grace favoured the banana, pointing and saying what is was. The babies used their senses to explore some lights and bubbles, using the light up cylinders. They shook them around and made lots of noise whilst watching the colours change and the colours move. Laurie loved this activity and rolled it over the floor as well as turning them up and down. Edward loved the bubbles; he popped them all and babbled throughout trying to say pop, Emma ran round in circles trying to pop them. Louise loved the sensory bottles as he favoured the pink one and shook it around rolling it to Agnes. Ciana and Sidney liked the baby gym, they climbed up the stairs and went down the slide, and Sidney turned it into a game chasing Ciana up and round. When he would get close, he would love and wait for her to get away again. The babies have also drawn lots of lovely pictures using crayons, making different marks such as lines and squiggles. George and Honor loved drawing and crumpling up their paper as they explore the activity further, Honor then played Peek-a-boo with the paper holding in front of her face and laughing when she took it away. This made a new game and George loved to watch and laugh. They have also played with some farm animals in the messy tray. Jessie found lots of different animals and showed told everyone which was the cow and sheep. Theo listened to Jessie but decided he wanted to use the hay and spread it all over the room instead and when he threw it up it made Rouxx laugh. Great fun!

Sand and bubbles !


The older children have loved the sand pit being opened up again this past week for them to explore. Ollie started to make a sand castle in one of the clear buckets, and realising he could see the sand sliding down the inside, he encouraged some of his friends to come over and watch what was happening. Watching in fascination, Zachary said, “It’s all squiggly and sliding together”. Parker got straight in to the sand pit and very excitedly called out, “This is like being at the real beach!” The children also enjoyed exploring the water trays both inside and outside, using various sized jugs, funnels and water mills. Tom quickly worked out that the more water he tipped in to the mill, the quicker it would spin.

Pre school also really loved a bubble party in the garden as you can see. The bubble frog quickly fired out bubbles and the children loved chasing them around. Dylan was singing to himself, “Bubble, bubble, bubble, pop”. Eddie said to some of his friends “Nursery is so good; there’s lots of bubbles and it’s like a real party”. Once the bubble frog had run out of bubbles, Parker suggested, “That’s ok, maybe we can buy some more from the shops with our mummies and our daddies and we can have another party”.

The children have also been taking part in lots of mark making activities in all types of messy play. One of the favourite activities has been letter mark making in salt using their fingers and practising their fine motor skills. Some of the children were able to recognise the familiar letters and relating them to their own names. Ada said, “That’s an ‘A’; A for Ada, A for Apple” and attempted to make the letter A in the salt whilst encouraging Edie, “Come on Edie, you can do it too”.


Last week the toddlers have celebrated the reopening of the sandpit!! Alastair and Eve have loved filling the bucket with sand using their spades. Eve said “Look ,a castle”. Tristan used the trowel to pick up the sand and lay it on the side of the sandpit to make a smooth surface. Immy and Isla enjoyed burying themselves in the sand and saying “Where leg gone?”.A week later we are still searching for where their legs have gone! 

Outside on a walk round Imber court the toddlers were on a hunt for flowers to make a vase to send home to their families. On the hunt the toddlers came across a huge mud mound that they couldn’t resist jumping on. Amelia, Jonny and Ari were first to run up. Connie said “I can see the houses” as she stood at the very top of the hill alongside her friends. Sophie enjoyed shuffling down, Ethan raced down and Charlotte decided to surf on her tummy! Can you believe this was actually the fastest way to get down! Clever Charlotte!

Back inside the toddlers have enjoyed different sensory and malleable play. Isabelle enjoyed stomping the elephants in crunchy pasta and cornflakes whilst Sammy enjoyed the sensory bags where he watched the rice mix with paint to create different colours.


The youngest children have been exploring the sand pit. Sadie lifted two handfuls of of cool sand into the air as she sat in it, and laughed as it fell back down. Blake used her shovel to fill up her tea pot tipping it out repeating the action. Emily was very brave and explored the tunnel pointing and laughing at Melissa though the side panels, Emily also tested her balance walking over the bridge.

While on their walk the children saw horses, and Issac pointed to them and said ‘Horsie clip clop’ laughing away. Sophie and Billie pointed and clapped as they watched the horses run around their paddock. The little ones also enjoyed feeding the ducks. Finley, Tomas and Ada ripped up the bread and threw it to the ducks while Chloe, Emily Zack preferred to eat it!

 Back inside Finley, Chloe and Olivia explored the play dough. Finley said ‘Tap tap’ as he bashed his play dough with the rolling pin and Olivia pinched at the play dough pulling off small pieces and carefully placing them onto the table. Sadie and Emily played peek a book popping their heads out of the play house shrieking at each other.

Butterflies and Bushy Park!


This week the older children have said goodbye to their butterflies. They watched them fly around their enclosure before guessing where they would go. Sophia suggested they might fly away really high. The butterflies took their time and didn’t fly out straight away, but when the first one did they all cheered and laughed. One butterfly flew out and landed right next to Hlenhaze’s foot, and he was very excited but stayed very still and quiet simply watching it. After a short while the butterfly began to move and Hlenhaze positioned his hand and gently picked it up. The other children watched as more butterflies were released and landed on different children and surfaces. Eve and Xanthe noticed their brightly coloured wings. Eve said ‘look Xanthe, this one has Orange dots’, Xanthe said ‘So does mine’. The Butterflies got used to being in the garden by firstly walking along the ground. The children were trying to decide where the butterflies would like to be, and William suggested the flowers would be a great home for them and they were gently put on the flowers. William turned to his friends and asked ‘Where will they go now?’, as more butterflies flew around with the children following them. James pointed to one and held Zachs hand to show him where it had gone shouting excitedly ‘Here, the butterfly is in the tree’!. Zach suggested that the tree could be the butterflies new home.

Maxwell and Varun played with the dinosaurs chasing with them around the garden and hiding them away in little places, Maxwell gave the dinosaur colour names and used this to identify the dinosaurs. They even let them live in the tree. Whilst in the park the children looked at trees and searched for different animals and found some birds, squirrels and bugs in the tress, and in the park they also spotted deer, dogs, ducks, swans and lots more bugs. Lyra pointed at a tree stump and said ‘The spider’s home.’. The children saw a fallen log and used it to turn into a snake. Back at Nursery the children drew a magic tree together. It had everything a real tree would have. Ines helped draw a bird to live in it, Jasper and Oliver made the leaves and Nyra and Isla coloured in the tree stump and drew some bugs.


The youngest children have been very interested in their story books. Sidney pulled them all off the bookshelf which encouraged Edward to take a look. The little ones listened to Dear Zoo as they looked and tried to guess all the animals. George helped read the big book as he lifted up the hiding flaps to reveal different animals, Emma copied some of the animal actions such as using claws. Jessie chose her favourite book ‘Moo’, and pointed at some of the animals and said ‘Sheep’. When we showed Jessie her favourite animal (the cow) she laughed and said ‘Moo, cow!’ Alex and Ciana played with the animals with moving them around the room, they also hid them in the shredded paper, when they picked one up they were informed of the name, Alex responded with some lovely meaningful babble as he is beginning to learn new words. Honor helped to make some animal crafts as she painted her bowl to make a pig and duck face whilst trying to make the sounds. Theo and Grace joined in with song time, singing Old MacDonald, making lots of fun noises and copying moves such waving hands for a monkey.

Sidney and Grace had a wonderful time in the garden building delightful towers, Sidney built his tower up nice and tall before he accidentally knocked it over making himself and Grace laugh. Grace used two blocks to hit together and made lots of noise. Alex and Ciana liked the noise, and they choose to add to it using musical instruments using the shakers. Edward also helped make a lovely tune playing with the bell sensory bottle.  George and Ciana played with the football in the park pushing it back and forth. if it went to far away Jessie would chase after the football and kick it around before running back to give it to her friends. Jessie kicked it towards Emma before shouting ‘Ball’.

Butterflies at Molesey!


The pre school children were very excited to release the butterflies this week. They took the butterfly net outside and sat in a circle to allow the butterflies space to fly off when they wanted to. Some of the children were even brave enough to let the butterflies sit on their hands. Scarlett started to laugh and said, “The butterfly is tickling my fingers”. Ada asked, “But why are we letting them fly away? Will they come back when it’s time to go to bed?” Will had noticed that there were slices of orange at the bottom of the net and asked, “Did the butterfly eat the orange to get all of his energy to fly away?” Once all of the butterflies had flown out of the net, they kept returning and landing on the trees and flowers in the garden. The children were very happy about this.

Our new book of the month is ‘We’re Going on a bear hunt’ and the children went on a bear hunt in the garden whilst listening to the story book for clues as to where the small bear pictures were hidden. Eddie found a bear by the mud kitchen and got very excited, calling out, “I found a bear, he was hiding in the mud”. When they got around to the trees (the forest) Ella found a bear on the twig and laughed, “There’s even one hiding on here, the cheeky bear!”. At the end of the bear hunt, Parker had noticed that there was a larger bear inside the tree house and shouted out, “Aaaaaah it’s the bear! Quick, back through the forest!” and all of his friends ran with him, pretending to run away from the bear. Great fun!

 The children also took part in parachute games, counting down, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 before shaking the parachute very fast and laughing. Oliver then ran underneath the parachute and was jumping up and down. Some of the children followed him under and they all sat down together. Shyla suggesting, “This could be our den to read some stories”.

Last week the toddlers said goodbye to their butterflies as they were released in the garden. At first the butterflies didn’t want to fly away but this was nice as it gave the toddlers a chance to hold the butterflies and see them up close. Fabian was first to volunteer himself to hold the butterfly; he was very brave and gentle. Immy spotted the butterflies “Eyes” and “Legs” and pointed to show where they were. Rhys said “Bye, butterfly” as one found the courage to fly away. The toddlers have loved having living creatures in the room and watching them change over time. Ari still remembers the life cycle of the caterpillar and says “Caterpillar in a cocoon and now a butterfly”. 

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Outside in the garden the toddlers have been taking part in wheelbarrow races to practice their agility skills. Tristan loved this and encouraged his friends to join in. He shouted “Ready, steady, go!”. The toddlers have been learning to say “Excuse me” when a friend or obstacle gets in their way. Alastair and Jonny said “Beep beep” to let his friends know he was coming which worked just as well!

Back inside the toddlers have enjoyed being able to dress up again. Zac and Harriet dressed up as builders wearing a hi-viz jacket and a hard hat. Together they used the tools to fix things around the toddler room. Zac said “Fix, fix” and Harriet laughed. Connie has also been busy being a builder fixing her friend’s toys with the saw. Charlie found the fairy dress and sat on the giant bus travelling round the room with the biggest smile on his face. Zachary found the Chase costume and asked for some help to put it on. He then said “Chase is on the case!” and he kindly made sure to help his friends with whatever they needed. 


The children in the under two’s room have enjoyed being outside recently. They liked going for walks in the buggies to visit the duck pond where they loved helping to feed the ducks bread by tearing it up and throwing it to them. Chloe and Billie were very excited and pointed to ducks while squealing with joy. 

Back in the nursery garden, our newer children, Olivia, Luna and Sophie started to explore the tunnel and bridge, while Rafferty liked to throw the big balls into the main garden, then stretch and lean forward to try and retrieve them. The babies were fascinated with the release of the beautiful butterflies as you can see! Tomas, Finley, Chloe, Sadie and Ada got up close to them and pointed and watched as they were released. Sadie said “Wow!” As they flapped their colourful wings and flew off.

Inside the room, Emily spent some time playing with the zoo animals, smiling when the team said ‘Roar!’ Ada and Tomas concentrated really well during a mark making activity, where they chose the coloured pencils and made purposeful marks on the paper. The whole group have been taking part in different art activities to create a lovely farmyard display, painting pink piglets and sticking cotton wool to make woolly lambs.