Celebrating 5 Years at Molesey Day Nursery!
/What a fun filled day the pre school children had for our 5 year celebration. The children arrived at the nursery looking fantastic in their party outfits and couldn’t wait to show their friends. Throughout the morning, the pre schoolers were very busy helping to bake muffins and making their own pizzas for the party. Rowan asked, “Are we going to eat these for tea or take them home?” To which Luna told him, “They are for the tea party!”. The room was decorated with bunting and balloons which the children all found very exciting. Joshua had been playing in the garden and when running past the pre school door, he spotted the balloons and gasped, saying “Wow!” with a very big smile on his face. He went and gathered his friends, bringing them all to pre school to show them what he had seen. Zack couldn’t contain his excitement and ran straight in, investigating the balloons, noticing that there was a bee, a snail and a ladybird. Very quickly, Finley noticed some number 5 balloons and curiously asked, “Why are there so many number 5 balloons though?” and when explaining to him that the nursery was having a 5 year celebration party, Daniel laughed and said, “That’s even older than all of us!”.
When it was time for the party, the children couldn’t wait to get on their hand crafted party hats and loved getting involved with the entertainment with Elly from Crafty Tales. Their favourite part was clearly the parachute game, all of them so excited when it was time to hide under the parachute. Sophie was giggling away whilst Esmé was guiding her friends under the parachute each time it was lifted in the air. After exploring the musical instruments, the entertainment was finished off with some bubbles and a goodbye song. Sadie smiled to Lana and said, “That was so much fun!”.
When it was time for the party tea, Rowan helped to set up the table, saying, “This has been so much fun, it’s been a fun party!”. The children sat together, eating their party food and discussing and comparing their face paints. As a present from the nursery, the children all received a book as a present to take home which they couldn’t wait to show to their parents as well as their painted faces!
The toddlers absolutely loved the celebrations for the nursery’s 5th anniversary this week and all worked together to decorate the room for the special day. Each of the children decorated pieces of paper with felt tips, wax pens and Pom poms which would be turned into a crown to wear at the party. The main excitement for the children, other than the dancing, was making their own pizzas! They added their sauce before sprinkling on handfuls of cheese on top.. most of them popping a few handfuls of cheese in their mouth too! Once the pizzas were ready, each of the children sat with their party hats and enjoyed their party tea, with a lot of them pointing out they made their own pizza. Arlo held up his pizza, took a big bite and said, “It my pizza, I did it, it yummy!” Whereas Harry stated through a mouthful of pizza “It’s delicious!”. The children also had the choice to have face paint with the a few spring themed options. Rafe was the first to approach the face painting and chose “A bee buzzz” and sat patiently, giggling every so often as the brush tickled his face. There was a mix of chicks, butterflies, bumble bees and flowers dancing to music and playing with friends all afternoon!
The under twos had a fantastic time at the nursery 5 year anniversary party! From music, party outfits, dancing and ribbons, to pizza, party hats and face painting! All of the children loved getting involved with the celebrations, enjoying exploring the room which was decorated with bunting, balloons and colourful lights. When party time came, Lottie and Cora were straight in, showing off their wiggling dance moves and soon enough, everyone wanted to join in. Finley was especially amused by chasing the snail balloon around, whilst Leo couldn’t contain his excitement when the bubbles started flying. After the disco extravaganza, the children sat down for a lovely party tea, wearing their beautiful handmade party hats, tucking in to pizza, sandwiches, bear crisps and finishing up with some homemade muffins! What great fun!