Number 5 Hunt!
/On a walk around the grounds, the children set off to look for the number of the week, number 5. Otto found the first number 5 on a speed limit sign, just at the top of the hill. Very excitedly he called out, “Look, there’s a number 5!”. Isabelle correctly pointed out, “That is so the cars need to go number 5 and slow”. When getting over the hill, Amelie found the next number 5, “There’s another car number 5 sign”. This time she used her finger to carefully trace over the number 5. Once the children got to the ducks, Basti stopped and used his eyes to count then tapped Joseph, “There’s 5 ducks” which then prompted his friends to count, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5”. On the way back to nursery, the children all collected 5 leaves to bring back to nursery for the nature tray.
Over the last couple of weeks, the pre school children have been practising their fine motor skills in various ways. One of the activities the children really enjoyed was to cut along several shapes, numbers and letters. The letter of the week was ‘E’ and the children really challenged themselves to cut along each line of the letter. Whilst Esme was carefully cutting along the line, she announced to her fiends, “Do you know that E is for me, Esme?” With a proud smile on her face. Margot then wrote her whole name and drew a picture of her family before getting going to cut all of the letters and pictures out. After the children had successfully practised their cutting, they used various drawing and writing tools to decorate their pictures to take home.
A group of pre school children chose to physically challenge themselves to build various sized towers and transport models with the Lego and duplo blocks. Freddie selected each piece he needed, reassuring Joshua, “It’s ok, I need just a few short pieces and then some longer pieces to connect it all together”. River and Jasper worked together to make a car transporter and listened to each others suggestions, River praising Jasper, “That’s a good idea”. Once the children had finished their models, they were comparing shapes and sizes. Cooper correctly noticed that the car transporter was smaller than the lorry whilst Freddie pointed out, “But the car transporter is taller”