The Weather and Our Growing Areas!

The last two weeks in preschool have been filled with lots of fun activities where the children have been looking at mindfulness and understanding friendships, as well as learning about different weather systems.

The children loved learning about lightening and thunder by taking part in a fun measuring activity. On the table were lots of different sized lightning bolts and the children were tasked with seeing how long each one was using the connecting blocks. Charlie connected his blocks together along the length of his lightening bolt and began to count how many blocks he had used. He turned to Ari and said “My one is five!” Ari then did the same with his and replied to Charlie, saying “Mine is only 4! Your one is bigger than mine!” Louis then added “My one is the biggest because it has 6 blocks!”

Outdoors the children have been hard at work tending to the vegetable patch and herb garden. Luna enjoyed watering the vegetables and herbs with a watering can whilst Florence added “The plants need to drink lots of water!” Zack enjoyed getting stuck in with soil, helping to replant some mint that had come loose in the soil. Zack said “I’m digging a big hole!” Once the mint was placed back in the soil, Zack scooped the soil back over using his hand and said “I have a dirty hand! I need to wash it!”