New herb garden and playing field games!

Over the past couple of weeks, the pre school children have been extremely interested in the vegetable and herb gardens. Alfie had noticed that some vegetable leaves had started to sprout through the soil and called his friends over to see, “Look, they are growing now, soon we can eat them”. Finley was intrigued by what Alfie was talking about and approached the vegetable patch, observing closely and showed Alfie, “But look, there’s even more vegetables growing”. This peaked the interest of some of their friends who came over to see. Tom suggested to his friends, “Maybe if we give them some more water, the rest of them will grow?” Alba then went on to letting her friends know which vegetable were what by looking at the pictures on the growing area wall. She told her friends, “This is lettuce, these are tomatoes and that one there is carrots I think”. Alfie reassured Alba, “Yes, look, there’s carrots” and pointed at the carrot picture. Ada then led her friends to our new herb patch telling them, “It looks pretty”. Alfie said, “It looks like where the bear goes on a bear hunt”. Finley noticed the lavender and was excited to tell everyone, “These are called lavender, I saw them when I went on a walk with my family”.

The children have also enjoyed spending plenty of time over at the field, enjoying picnics, football games, running races and aeroplane spotting. Sammy really loved a number game, throwing the large dice, then counting the spots and explaining to his friends, “Guys, however many spots you get, you have to do that many jumps”. Zac rolled the dice and they both counted together up to 6. Zac laughed and said, “This time I’m going to do 6 star jumps”. Zac then rolled to the ground and said, “That was hard work, my body needs a rest now”, which made his friends laugh. Some of the other children enjoyed a restful story time. At the end of the afternoon, Sadie, Charlotte and Rowan were discussing having, “A lovely day”. Sadie said how much she enjoyed herself and Charlotte and Rowan agreed, Luna adding, “That was a lovely day”