/Over the last couple of weeks, the toddlers have been getting very excited on the lead up to Easter, getting creative and making lots of arts and crafts. In our first week, the children were learning all about spring. The children used various materials to make cute little animals that are born in the spring time. Whilst making a chick, Amelie said, “Chicks go Tweet tweet” and her all of her friends joined in. Sophie picked up a yellow pom pom and said, “Aww baby chick”. One activity that the children found most interesting was a colour mixing activity. This involved different coloured paint in zip lock bags and when mixed together, it showed the children that it made a new different colour. As a treat for the children, we had a teddy bear picnic for afternoon tea. All the children had a teddy bear sat next to them on the picnic mat and enjoyed lots of different tasty foods. Isabelle made sure that every time she took a mouthful of food, her teddy bear got some too! The children’s sandwiches were cut into shapes, such as teddy bears, stars and butterflies. Otto took his plate, looked at everything and said, “Little teddy bear!”.
The children began their Easter crafts, making Easter bonnets, designing Easter eggs and little chicks. The best part of the children’s week was going on a huge Easter egg hunt around the grounds of Imber Court. The children all had an egg to find and listened beautifully to instructions when walking around. The children shouted when they found an egg and guided their friends to their eggs. Margot shouted, “Look, there’s an Easter egg under that tree!” as she ran towards it. All of the children were very impressed with their eggs and wanted to show them off. Jude asked, “Take this home to show mummy? - which they certainly did.
Over the last few weeks the under two’s have been looking at Easter, making Easter eggs using the paint dabbers. Edward and Matilda knew exactly what to do with their paint dabbers, as they quickly started to make marks on their paper eggs. Matilda was saying “Dab dab dab!” which made Blair shriek with excitement. They’ve also been enjoying making their own chicken cards using glue, paper and feathers.
The children been creating floor chalk drawings, making lots of different marks across paper that was stuck to the floor, Harry got his chalk and sat in the middle of the paper making lots markings across the paper, whilst Arlo and Amelie prefered to sit at the edge and watch Harry closely. They’ve had great fun hunting for little chickens and eggs hidden in lots of straw. Rose enjoyed lifting up lots at a time and throwing in the air, and after Eva found one of the hidden eggs, she inspected it closely before hiding it back into the pile, at which point India then climbed among the straw looking for the newly hidden egg!
They have had lots of fun exploring the mud, with Edward and Rose very occupied using the bowls and spoons to scoop up the mud. India was intrigued what they were doing, she sat next to the mud and put her hands in enjoying the texture as it fell through her fingers. Isla and Matilda were enjoying making sandcastles and using the sieve, some of the sand spilled of the sandpit, to which Matilda said “Oh dear…. mess!”.