Healthy Bodies, New Scents & Underwater Animals!

Over the past couple of weeks the toddlers have been learning all about their bodies and how to be healthy. To start with, the children practiced one of their favourite songs ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ as a way to move their body and familiarise themselves with the body parts they use every day. Outside, they also played the bean game where they moved in a variety of ways to match the names of types of beans. The toddlers jumped like jumping beans, stretched up high like a string bean, made themselves as wide as possible like a broad bean, shook their whole body around like a jelly bean and ran around like a runner bean! Sophie said “I shaking!” as she moved her whole body around really fast, Otto said “I so tall!” as he stretched up high and Cleo giggled to herself as she ran up and down the garden. Next, the toddlers moved onto learning about how to be healthy by having conversations about eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Marguerite was excited to tell everybody she liked carrots by saying “Margot carrots” which then encouraged Kitty to join in “Kitty like potatoes and strawberries and cucumber and watermelons!” then Ellie joined in too by saying ”I like watermelon and broccoli”. The toddlers then used some of these vegetables to do some vegetable printing with lots of paint. Luciano got stuck in straight away and grabbed hold of a corn on the cob which he slipped straight into the paint and transferred it to his paper, squealing in delight when paint splattered all over Cecilia. Amelie chose to use carrots and rolled them across her paper “Carrot got paint on”. 

As a part of learning about how bodies work, the toddlers also began using their senses by exploring sensory bags with their hands and using their noses to smell different scents, including Marmite, fruity tea bags, ginger and lemon. Luco leaned in to smell the lemon scent and directed his head away instantly with a shocked face which gave his friends a good laugh. Isabelle and Cecilia leaned in very close to give each thing a good sniff with Isabelle retreating quick with her tongue out exclaiming “Eerrrr” after smelling the marmite. The toddlers also did some self portraits by looking in a mirror and drawing what they saw. Jude amazed everybody by drawing a big circle with two smaller circles inside which he pointed to said “Eyes”. Esmeralda filled her paper with small circles and Sebastian held his pencil perfectly to make lots of marks. 

They have been loving looking at the caterpillars which have now cocooned so they cannot wait until they become butterflies!

Over the last couple of weeks the under two’s have been exploring with lots of different animal activities within the room. They’ve had lots of fun playing with many sea creatures and fishes in the blue netting. Oliver started to lay on the netting like he was swimming, Eva then began to copy him, whilst Matilda was watching them from the edge picking up the little fishes and made out that they were swimming in the air.

They’ve had a great time exploring the play house which was made into a den with lots of animals hidden inside! India enjoyed crawling through the house and going around in circles, Rose was watching her and began babbling as she came through the tunnel. Gabriel came to see the animals inside, he picked up the Lion and held it in the air and roared!

A few of the under twos have been doing really well with their nursery rhymes, and even doing the actions. Amelie was able to join in with “Row row row your boat” with Ashley, Rose and India soon joining in, with India singing the tune as she rocked backwards and forwards.

On a walk to the duck pond, they children been fascinated with the birds and planes in the air. Harry was trying really hard to say “plane” as he pointed high into the sky, Isla spotted the plane and started to point and said “Plane”. At the duck pond Matilda and Edward were throwing bread to the ducks. Some of children started to make duck sounds and Eva used her hand to make a duck sound gesture. In fact the geese came really close looking for bread, which really excited Gabriel as he started jumping around in the pushchair.