Getting back to nature!

Over the past two weeks the toddlers have enjoyed going camping and exploring nature! Together with their friends the toddlers each gathered different blankets, pillows, string and clips to try and build a tent to sleep in. Olivia and Max collected five blankets between them trying to throw them over the extended tables to cover them up to make it nice and cosy inside. Sophie was so excited she squealed “We need pillows to make it soft for sleeping” and ran to get as many as she could carry. Alfie enjoyed laying inside the tent with his car rolling it backwards and forwards. Kitty enjoyed looking at the fairy lights saying “Light, light, light” as they changed colour. After the toddlers had a nice long sleep and play in the tent they gathered up their rucksacks and went out of nursery on a hike. They were given the task of trying to find sticks, bark, leaves and flowers ready for some planned nature activities. Jude was first to pick up a stick, followed by Otto grabbing two and then Zack shouted “Look look I found a feather look look”, while being very proud of himself. 

The toddlers enjoyed using the bits of nature they collected to make stick paint brushes, where they were able to paint freely allowing the outside environment to inspire them. Youcef enjoyed pulling his stick paintbrush apart using the flowers as part of his creation by sticking them into the paint. Caiden enjoyed leaf printing, where he picked the leaves he wanted to use, painted them and splatted them down hard on the paper which made him giggle. Amèliè, Sebastian and Chloe loved roasting marshmallows around the campfire, holding their marshmallows on lollipop sticks round the fire while learning new campfire songs. Isaac sang “There once was a man named Michael Finnegan, who had ten whiskers” and then paused forgetting the next word…Emily then shouted “Chi-a-gen!” and they both carried on the song together smiling. 

As the rain finally fell the toddlers were fascinated watching the rain drops land on the windows and skylights and listening to the lovely noise the rain made on the roof. While the children watched and listened to the rain they made some mini rain shakers to take home and show their mummies and daddies. Esmè loved the noise the rice made inside the shakers saying “rain rain” as she shook them. 

The under two’s room has spent time exploring and investigating different mark making activities.

They explored paint using the paint dabbers to make different marks on their paper, and Isabelle got really excited when she chose her paper, loudly saying “ Paper! paper!” to Sophie. Sophie used two paint dabbers and made some beautiful marks, then held them up saying “ Wow, wow”.

They have also had fun using cellophane paper to make various creations. Arlo and Harry enjoyed scrunching up the cellophane, and Arlo smiled as he scrunched the cellophane between his hands at the sounds it made. Sophie looked at Arlo, intrigued at the noise, and began to copy with hers, which became a great game making the little ones laugh.

Out in the garden they been making different marks in the sand using the rake and the spades. Sophie used her spade to throw sand up into the air, and Isabelle found this really funny and copied, and as the the sand fell to the floor Isabelle said “Oops!”. Matilda and Amelie were rolling the balls around the grass, and as Amelie pushed the ball away she clapped her hands, and Matilda went after it with a big smile on her face. Luciano found the chunky garden chalks in the box next to the chalkboard, and began making marks across the chalk board, Sophie came to investigate what Luciano was doing who then copied, and Isabelle pointed at the chalkboard saying “ Pretty”.