Healthy Activities & Exploring Animals!

Over the last two weeks, the toddlers have been very busy with lots of exploratory activities and of course, sports day! The toddlers spending the morning on the field next to the nursery where they got involved with egg and spoon races, balance beams and parachute games. Sports day also tied in perfectly with our theme of sports for the week. In the garden, the toddlers worked on hand eye coordination with bat and ball games, with Caiden hitting the balls as far as he could exclaiming “Watch me!” each time he swung the bat. When the ball went too far, Lowri showed great team work by chasing after it saying “I get it for you”. Football was also a big hit as they got to score some goals over on the big field. Amelie picked up the ball and ran while Reegan and Zack passed the ball back and forth. Football was one of the main games played during the week with Daniel asking “Shall we play football?” each garden time. Tag rugby was great fun for the toddlers, as they chased each other all around the garden with Rafferty shouting “Can’t catch me!” as he raced off followed by a long line of toddlers giggling as they tried to catch up. 

One afternoon the toddlers became gymnasts and showed off all their fabulous moves and rolly pollies. They started off by doing some stretches to warm up, Sophie exclaimed “I touch my toes” with excitement while Emily reached up high to touch the ceiling. Rowan particularly enjoyed rolling around and laughing saying “I so dizzy” once he finally came to a halt. When the gymnasts had worn themselves out and sat down for a water break Flo clapped her hands and said “I was good at that!”. 

Back inside, the toddlers were busy looking at the book of the month ‘Handa’s surprise’ and making their own versions of the different fruits and animals from the story. Isaac was very excited to make his favourite animal, “I got an elephant!” and showed off his excellent impression. Florence drew some very accurate oranges and explained how she did it “Draw a circle first, then I colour it in” and Sadie enjoyed sticking with tissue paper “I making a rainbow banana!”. Ada showed off her knowledge of letters and stated “Z is for zebra” as she stuck stripes onto her zebra picture. Toddlers also got to try a different fruit from the story each day at morning snack time. Luna absolute loved the avocado and munched it straight away quickly asking for seconds “I want some more b’cado!”. Olivia, however, wasn’t so keen and tried to give it away after giving it a try and deciding it wasn’t for her.

This week, the under-twos been learning about jungle animals and enjoying the outside by exploring the big garden. They’ve had great fun making a crocodile painting using the mega blocks, Esmé kept shouting “Nap nap nap!”. Kitty then lifted up her mega block covered in bright green paint and copied Esmé “Snap snap!” and began to laugh. They’ve used the paint sponges and paint rollers to paint bubble wrap, to make it look like snake skin on the toilet rolls. Freddie found it more fun to look through the toilet roll after rolling in more green paint, and Amélie looked at Freddie saying “Uh-oh Eddie” with a big smile on her face.

They had great fun hunting for jungle animals under the parachute, lifting it high to look underneath. Isabelle kept bending down to look while the others lifted the parachute, Amélie then joined Isabelle in looking, she stood up saying “Gone! Oh no!”. Out in the big garden, they’ve had fun with the water tray trying to find animals amongst the boats. Esmé scooped up the water using a cup, before Amélie watched and then copied her. Sophie saw what was going on at the water tray and came over and joined in the fun.

The children have enjoyed walks around the grounds looking to see what animals they could find. Freddie got really excited seeing dog walkers walking they’re dogs down by the stream. Kitty saw the ducks coming up onto the bank shouting “Quack quack“, as she threw them some bread. Sebastian then joined in, smiling wide as he threw his bread to the birds. Cecilia was enjoying eating the bread, Otto began to shout “No Ceci, duck!”, but this did not deter her enjoying the bread!