Fun at Bocketts Farm!

We had an amazing day at Bocketts Farm last week! The children all had so much fun and were so excited on the build up to the farm trip. On the day the children were all super excited to come in to nursery and were very eager for the coach to come and collect everyone. Once the coach arrived, even more excitement kicked in! The whole coach journey was filled with lots of laughter, chatting and singing songs such as Old MacDonald and The Wheels on the Bus.

When they arrived, the children were greeted by their personal group tour guide and the children were very good at listening to any information and safety talks that she gave. Most importantly it seemed, the children were very keen to know where their snack and lunch boxes had been taken to and loved that they had their own little hut to keep their food and water bottles in.

Once all of the house rules had been set, they were good to go and explore the farm. Seeing all of the animals was a must! The children even got to see a pig race and cheered on all of the pigs before the yellow pig won the race! Henry called out, "Yay, that was the pig that I knew would win the race because yellow is my favourite colour!".

The children then got to see a baby goat (kid) close up and were so gentle with it, Isabelle said in a very soft voice, “Aww, he’s just a baby, isn’t he so cute!”. Next were the pigs with her piglets. The tour guide explained that the piglets were very young, only a couple of weeks old and still needed lots of rest throughout the day. Sophie said, “Yes, I need a rest too in the day, I have a nap”.

The tractor ride was also one of the favourite parts of the day. There were so many animals to see along the way and the children thought the wind and the bumpy ride was good fun. It was a really amazing day finished off with great enjoyment by bouncing on the large inflatable cushions.

The coach journey back to nursery was much quieter, with some of the children enjoyed a little nap whilst the others were chatting to each other about their favourite parts of the day.


Back at nursery, some of the children had good fun making a den in the garden using the materials they found in the play house. The children worked together very hard to make their own den, only asking for a bit of help when they couldn't quite reach where they wanted it to be tied up to. Fabian and Jasper were discussing and suggesting the best place for this, Jasper telling Fabian, "If we do it too low, we will bump our heads and it will then fall down".

Once the den was up, the children took some books in to there and enjoyed looking at the stories together.