World book day!
/This week in the under twos room the children have been playing with lots of textures. Sophie and Otto enjoyed exploring the mash potato using the kitchen utensils, Esmé was a little unsure of it at first, but soon became absorbed in scooping up the mash with her hands and squeezing it in her fingers, and soon giggled and smiled. Otto placed some in a metal colander and mixed it with a spoon, occasionally having a little taste, he looked very proud at the meal he had created when he put it on a plate!
The children have had lots fun in the garden exploring bubbles. Youcef and Sebastian were captivated as big bubbles were blown on the wand, clapping and watching closely as they grew and sometimes popped. Amélie pointed and laughed as they blew into the wind and she tried to keep up with them. Sophie was on the bridge watching and when one landed in front of her, she looked confused as it popped and disappeared.
During a walk around the grounds, the children got very excited to see a tractor at the side of the field, Sophie and Margot were pointing towards it and Amelie said “Tractor tractor!”
As they continued to walk across the bridge they saw some ducks on the river, and Freddie, Amelie, Sebastian and Kitty did a great job of feeding them, tearing up small pieces of bread and throwing them through the railings to the water below.
Back on the field, the children loved running around, and watching the tractor. Youcef and Freddie waved to the driver who waved back to them which made them very happy.
Last week the toddlers enjoyed celebrating world book day by dressing up as different characters from their favourite books. Ada, Rafferty and James all came as the hungry caterpillar, Isaac came as a giraffe and Sophie came as Snow White. The toddlers loved listening to lots of different stories while using story spoons, musical instruments and finger puppets. As part of celebrating world book day the toddlers have started a new theme exploring a different fairytale every week. This week the chosen book was Jack in the beanstalk. At the beginning of the week, Sadie, Sophie and Tommy gathered materials from inside and outside to help make a giant beanstalk to be put up around the toddler room. Each day the toddlers went outside on a treasure hunt to try and find golden coins and golden eggs to help Jack get away from the giant.
While being busy with making giants, treasure hunts and writing their own books the toddlers also celebrated pancake day! Rowan and Florence showed off their impressive natural talent of being able to flip mini pancakes in the home corner using a frying pan. Reegan found it frustrating that his pancake wasn’t flipping in the pan so he used a different method, using his hands to flip it instead! During the afternoon the toddlers had the opportunity to decorate their own pancakes. Reegan choose honey and fresh strawberries for his pancake while Blake enjoyed strawberry sauce.... Tasty!
Outside, the toddlers have been wrapped up in wetsuits and wellies ready to jump in every single puddle, both big and small on walks round Imber court and in the garden. Finley bent his knees and leaped into the air only to come back down again and soak himself up to his armpits and splash all his friends around him. The toddlers ventured out on Friday in the buggies to the duck pond in Thames Ditton. Olivia and Rowan loved throwing the bread as far as they could in the water, with Caiden making duck noises!