Graduation tea!

The pre school children have really enjoyed playing football games and setting up their own goals. Ezra and Eddie worked really well together to set up a goal which included a ramp for the football to go up. The children then took it in turns to “Score a goal!” be the goal keeper and were really celebrating each other’s shots and cheering each other on. Benjamin quickly realised that the ball kept going too high and knocking the top post down and cleverly suggested, “I know, we need to make it taller so the ball doesn’t knock the goal down”.

 The children have also been aeroplane spotting on a cloudy day. They were listening out for when they could hear an aeroplane approaching and then working out which direction they thought it was going to come from. Ada called out, “Guys, if you are quiet, you can hear one coming now”. Tom said, “I can hear it, I think it’s coming from that direction”, pointing in the right way. The children were also counting how many aeroplanes that were flying below the clouds that they could see and how many were above the clouds that they could hear. They then enjoyed doing some observational drawings of aeroplanes.

 We held a graduation picnic tea to celebrate the children that are going off to school. All be it there were thunderstorms so we moved inside, the children all had fun and were in a party spirit. They were given a certificate and a book about starting school. Each of the children confidently stood in front of their friends to receive their book and certificate and let everyone know what they are most excited about when starting school. Oscar told everyone, “I’m so excited to see all of the new toys and to see my friends from nursery”. When reading the story about school, Edie noticed that quite a few of the school activities and routines of the day were “Just the same as nursery”.

This week the toddlers have started their “holiday” theme due to the summer holidays starting. Some of the toddlers went abroad and decorated paper aeroplanes. To go on the aeroplanes the toddlers needed a passport. Together with an adult Harry and Charlotte wrote their names and signed their signature. In the messy tray the toddlers went to a foam party where Alastair got covered head to toe and came out with purple highlights in his hair! Sammy and Zac roared loudly as they enjoyed visiting the dinosaur museum where they saw dinosaurs in their sandy habitat. At story time Blake said she goes to the “farm” when she goes on holiday so the toddlers listened to ‘The Farmers Away!’. Rhys spotted the horse in the book and went and found a toy horse from the drawer to show his friends while saying “horsey neigh neigh”. Jonny tried some seaweed at the beach which he thoroughly enjoyed and asked for “more”, whereas most of his friends disliked the taste and spat it out as quickly as they could! 

 Outside the toddlers have enjoyed going on a walk round Imber court to collect leaves for a leaf printing activity. Ethan couldn’t wait to get out of nursery and run as fast as he could to find the first leaf in his tracks, “Found one!” he shouted as he picked it up off the floor. Immy was very proud of herself when she found two leaves, “One, two” she said and put them in the bucket. Back at nursery, the toddlers loved painting the leaves they found and printed them on the paper. “Wow” Amelia said as she saw her leaf appear in the paint. Sophia became a teacher repeating instructions to the other children “Make sure you cover it all” and “press down hard”. 

The under twos have had fun this week playing with the new car mat and the new cars, pushing them over the rug and pulling the large removable parts off and trying to put them back on again, Chloe, Daniel and Olivia gave some of the parts to the staff team to help them put the parts back onto the car. Ada was able to put one piece on the car with out any adult help. Rafferty pushed his car off of the car mat causing it to fall over, Rafferty laughed and said “Oh no, fell over” and pointed to the car.

Sophie, Ada and Olivia have really enjoyed exploring the new books, taking turns to sit on an adult lap to listen to the story being read to them. Their favourites were Rabbit’s nap, A squash and a squeeze and Dear Zoo lift the flap book. While they waited for their turn they listened to the other stories and chose new books from the book case ready for their next turn.

 Outside the children have enjoyed playing with the sensory basket, banging the large pebbles together and enjoying the tapping sound. Zack enjoyed taking all of the small wooden sticks out of the basket and dropping them on the floor as he got another. Sadie, Chloe and Ada enjoyed digging in the sand pit using their hands and the spades. Sophie was fascinated by her game of lifting hand fulls of sand and throwing them over her head, laughing at her new game.